Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 Exodus chapters 1 to 11 Covenant Nation - Enslavement
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 1. God Remembers His Covenant with Abraham (Exodus 2:23-25) A. Condition: When the people cried out B. Response: God hears, remembers and acts
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 The basis for God delivering Israel was His own promise to Abraham Reminding God of His promises is an act of faith in His word
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 2. God Elects His Man (Exodus 2 - 4) A. His First forty years in Egypt (Exodus 2:1-14) B. His Second Forty Years (Exodus 2:15-4:31)
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt, for he looked to the reward (fulfillment of the Covenant) By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible. Hebrews 11:24-27
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 2. God Elects His Man (Exodus 2 - 4) A. His First forty years in Egypt (Exodus 2:1-14) B. His Second Forty Years (Exodus 2:15-4:31 1) Marriage (2:15-22) 2) Call (3:1-4:17)
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 3. God Defeats His Enemy (Exodus 5 - 11) A. To Fulfil His Covenant (6:1-8) B. The plagues
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 NATURE EGYPTIAN GOD DEFEATED REFERENCE 1. Water into blood Osiris Exodus 7:20 2. A frog invasion Hekt Exodus 8:6 3. Lice Seb Exodus 8:17 4. Flies Hatkok Exodus 8:24 5. Cattle disease Apis Exodus 9:6 6. Boils Typhon Exodus 9:10 7. Hail with fire Shu Exodus 9:24 8. Locust Serapia Exodus 10:13 9. Three days of darkness Ra Exodus 10:22 10. Death of first-born All gods Exodus 12:29 the god of the Nile the frog goddess the earth god the wife of Osiris the sacred bull god the god of the atmosphere the god who protected Egypt from locusts the sun god of Egypt and this world – In particular, Pharoah.
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 3. God Defeats His Enemy (Exodus 5 - 11) A. To Fulfil His Covenant (6:1-8) B. The plagues C. The First-born
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 God will fulfill His C0venant promise Just as He has said
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 Key things we can look? God will fulfil His Covenant promises (His Word) His people will know that He alone is God (6:7; 8:22) The world will know that He alone is God (7:5; 8:10; 9:16) The world will know that the Lord is Creator (9:29)
Covenant Nation - Enslavement Covenant Series # 11 Exodus chapters 1 to 11 Covenant Nation - Enslavement