Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Foster-Richardson FOR ANY QUESTION, PLEASE EMAIL ME. Hello today we are going to be looking at tobacco Alcohol and Other Drugs if you need any help please email me for any questions at the got the email address at the bottom of the screen
WHAT TO DO TO PREPARE FOR TODAY’S LESSON SHARPEN 2 PENCILS OR TAKE OUT 2 PENS GET YOUR FOLDER FROM THE COMPUTER CART GET A COPY OF THE NOTES FROM THE RED CART BY THE DOOR What to do to prepare for today's lesson shopping to pounds or so take out two pins get your photo from the computer card get a copy of the notes from the red carpet
WHAT TO DO BEFORE WE START COPY THE FOLLOWING ONTO YOUR CORNELL NOTES: EVERYTHING IS LOCATED ON THE ORANGE BULLETIN BOARD STANDARD INQUIRY QUESTIONS STATEMENT OF INQUIRY What to do before we start, the following to your Cornell notes and everything is located on the orange bulletin board the standard that why would question and the statement of inquiry
Brain Stimulator: USING THE BUBBLE MAP IN YOUR NOTES, DESCRIBE THE STUDENT IN THE PICTURE YOUR NOTES Now looking at your notes using the bubble map and your nose describe the students in the picture impose your descriptions on the brain stimulator wall
VOCABULARY DEFINITION ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS: WORK PERIOD CLASS WORK After copying the information from the orange bulletin board, definE the VOCABULARY Words using the Vocabulary Section of the notes. VOCABULARY DEFINITION ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS: TAKE OUT A SHEET OF PAPER AND PICK UP A RED TEXTBOOK FROM THE BOOKSHELF. USING THE THE PAGE NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES DEFINE THE WORDS ON YOUR PAPER. Work. Class work before I can go into any part of that the notes we must first Define vocabulary words located in your notes the page numbers in parentheses for the work are located on the right hand side of your notes please use the red textbook
Lesson : Tobacco: Dangerous from the Start PICK UP A COPY OF THE NOTES FROM THE DESK IN FRONT OF THE WORK PERIOD BULLETIN BOARD AND FILL IN THE MISSING PARTS Lesson : Tobacco: Dangerous from the Start Tobacco products Contain only natural ingredients 2. One addictive in tobacco product is ammonia 3. Nicotine is the substance in tobacco that Causes Addiction
2. Smoking damages the inside lining of the body’s arteries by Lesson: Tobacco Products, Disease and Death A chronic disease is one that Never goes away 2. Smoking damages the inside lining of the body’s arteries by Allowing solid material to build up in them 3. Smokeless tobacco is a primary cause of Mouth cancer
TOBACCO CLASS ASSIGNMENT TAKE OUT A SHEET OF PAPER WORK PERIOD CLASS WORK TOBACCO CLASS ASSIGNMENT TAKE OUT A SHEET OF PAPER TAKE OUT YOUR NOTES DIRECTIONS: WRITE THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWER EACH QUESTION What does Tobacco produce? What is one addictive in tobacco product? A chronic disease is one that what? How does smoking damage the inside lining of the body’s arteries Nicotine is the substance in tobacco that does what? FINISH DEFINING YOUR DRUG VOCABULARY
CLOSING PERIOD POST- IT ASSIGNMENT Respond to following statement on a post-it: Could e-cigarettes ever be a true escape from the smoking addiction? Write your name on the post it and respond to it on the Brain Stimulator Wall