Albertville High School Twelfth Grade Registration Information 2019-2020
Graduation Requirements AREA OF STUDY REQUIREMENTS CREDITS English Language Arts English 9, 10,11, and 12 4 Mathematics Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II w/ Trig or Algebra w/ Finance, 1 chosen from approved science classes Science Biology and a Physical Science 3rd &4th chosen from approved science classes Social Studies World History, US History I, US History II, and Government/Economics Physical Education LIFE (personal fitness) or approved equivalent 1 Health Education AL Course of Study: Health Education 0.5 Career Preparedness (Career and Academic Planning, Computer Applications, Financial Literacy) CTE/Foreign Language/ Arts Education When choosing these courses, students are encouraged to complete 2 courses in sequence. 3 Electives 2.5 Total Credits Required for Graduation 24
College & Career Ready Benchmarks ACT test: Reading (22), Math (22), English (18), OR Science (23) AP exam: Qualifying score (3+) Approved transcript college or postsecondary credit while in high school ACT WorkKeys: Silver Approved industry credential (i.e., ServSafe, PQA, BQA, NCCER, CNA, business must pass at least two MOS suites) Military enlistment
Any Senior that has not met a college and career readiness benchmark prior to the start of the school year will be required to take Keytrain for one class period first semester. This course is practice for the WorkKeys assessment that will be given in the Fall and provides an additional opportunity for students to meet a College/Career Readiness benchmark.
Abbreviated Day Must be on track with all graduation requirements Must have met at least ONE of the six College/Career Ready indicators Attendance requirements - No more than 14 absences (excused OR unexcused) during their Junior year Discipline requirements - No Alternative School May be re-examined at end of 1st semester to qualify for 2nd semester.
All Seniors that participate in Abbreviated Day Scheduling are required to provide documentation of at least 15 hours each 9 weeks that consists of either: Paid employment volunteer work/community service dual enrollment
Top Ten Percent Beginning with the 2015-16 graduating class and each subsequent class, the Top Ten Percent will receive an “Academic Cord.” The Top Ten Percent is determined by the cumulative numeric GPA after first semester grades have been posted. Students in the Top Ten Percent of the graduating class will also select a representative from this academic group to present the graduation address. (This process will be completed during the month of February each year.) The entire group will be acknowledged at Graduation Ceremonies.
Academic Elite All seniors with a cumulative standard GPA equal to or higher than a 4.0 will also be recognized as an “Academic Elite.” Eligibility for Top Ten Percent and Academic Elite will be determined after the completion of the first semester term in Senior year. Based on cumulative numeric and standard GPA grading scales, it is possible students may not qualify for both groups.
Core Classes
All students will be placed in core classes based on prerequisites. If you meet the requirements for the Pre-AP/AP classes, you will be placed accordingly. STAR 360 grades from prior classes writing screener score
12th Grade English & History AP English Literature & Composition Economics US Government AP US Government & Politics
12th Grade Math Algebra with Finance Algebra II with Trig Pre-AP Algebra II with Trig Essentials of College Mathematics Pre-AP PreCalculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics
12th Grade Science Earth & Space Science Anatomy & Physiology Forensic & Criminal Investigation Introduction to Biotechnology AP Biology AP Chemistry (prerequisite Chemistry or Pre-AP Chemistry) AP Physics I (prerequisite Algebra II/Trig) AP Physics II (prerequisite Physics I) All students will choose one science course from the Standard and AP paths.
Career Tech Classes
Agriscience Intro to Veterinary Science (prerequisite 2.75 GPA) Poultry Science Fish & Wildlife Management (1 credit) Introduction to Metal Fabrication Intro to MIG Welding Construction Finishing Landscape Design and Management Greenhouse Production and Management Sr. Career Pathway Project (teacher approval)
Business Advanced BTA Information Technology Fundamentals Multimedia Design Multimedia Publications Business Finance Sports & Entertainment Marketing Fundamentals Buying and Merchandising (prerequisite: any 1 business/marketing class)
Work Based Learning Coop Ed. Seminar – 4 periods *Students should see Mrs. Todd for the requirements for this class.
Culinary Hospitality & Tourism (prerequisite for all other classes) Event Planning Culinary I (2 period block first semester) Culinary II (2 period block second semester) Culinary Senior Project (2 period block) Event Planning Senior Project (2 period block) Culinary /Event Planning Aides (seeinstructor; no credit) *Students should pick up an application for Culinary and Senior Project from Mrs. Bolding. For Event Planning Sr. Project applications, see Mrs. Cofield.
Health Science Foundations Of Health Science (prerequisite for all other classes) Human Body Structures Introduction to Pharmacy Senior Internship (2 period block- May be taken only after Fnd. Of Health Science & Human Body Structures)
Sports Medicine Foundations Of Health Science (prerequisite) Sports Medicine Intermediate Sports Medicine Advanced
Fine Arts
Band Concert Symphonic Wind Ensemble Percussion Jazz Brass Quintet *Band placement follows Spring evaluations.
Choir Serendipity VocalEase CenSations CenterStage Choir Stage Crew (½ credit - 2nd semester) Choral Assistant (no credit) Music Theory (½ credit - 1st semester) *Choir placement follows Spring auditions.
Visual Arts Visual Arts I (prerequisite to all other classes) Visual Arts II (application-Ms. Frazier) Visual Arts III (application-Ms. Frazier) Visual Art Portfolio Prep (Seniors only) *Applications may be picked up from Ms. Frazier.
Additional Electives
Spanish I Spanish II Aggie Advocate (application-Mrs. Aycock) Aggie Vision Photography (application-Mrs. Aycock) Aggie Vision Film (application-Mrs. Aycock) Student aides (library, offices, art, culinary-see appropriate staff) AP Prep Yearbook Staff (application-Ms. Millwood)
Distance Learning Dual Enrollment Snead State Community College (10th -12th) Parent Session: Jan. 24th @ 11:00am and 6:00pm in the South Hall Returning Dual Enrollment Students: Tuesday, March 5 2019 AHS Guidance Office Between 10:00 am and 1:00pm to complete paperwork New Dual Enrollment students: Wednesday, Mary 20, 2019 between 12:30-3:00 pm in Mrs. Rains room to apply online and complete necessary paperwork. UA Early College ACCESS Online courses – see offerings in AHS online Registration Information or pick up in guidance office.
Free Dual Enrollment! Aviation Child Development Office Administration Cyber Security Child Development Office Administration Most of these programs require a 3-period block during the day- please come and see me if you are interested!
Technical School Collision Technology Automotive Service Building Construction Robotics/Mechatronics Welding Technology *Applications may be picked up in the guidance office and are due back to the guidance office Feb. 8. Returning students only!
Credit Advancement/Recovery Students may take courses to advance their credits through summer school or dual enrollment. Students may recover courses not successfully completed through using computer program during summer school.
Summer School **Session I: June 3 – June 27, 2019 Session II: July 8 – July 18, 2019 Hours - 7:45 - 11:30 Minimum of a 40 average to be eligible. Cost - $25.00 per course $90.00 per course for Credit Advancement taught through ACCESS No summer school on Fridays
Important Dates June 14: Requests open in INOW Home to viewing. June 17-21: Students and parents may contact the guidance office or an administrator to discuss any concerns about requests. (Please note that course changes are not allowed through the home portal. Conferences must be conducted in person or by phone by a parent.) June 24: Requests in INOW Home will close for viewing and course selections are set. August 2: Schedule pick up
2019-20 Online Registration Information Registration Packet Course Description Guide Course Offerings Prerequisites 12th grade Registration Form Registration Powerpoint Please refer to the AHS website to view these documents.
Deadline! Forms MUST be returned to your English teacher by Friday, February 8th!!