Lesson 4
Activity 1: Jigsaw learning stm Part 1: Write as much as you know about your section Part 2: All the number 1’s sit together and share all the information they know about their section (Same for 2’s, 3’s and 4’s) Part 3: Go back to your normal seats and share your information with those around you. For example, if you are a 1, share all your information with the 2, 3 and 4 sitting next to you
Aims of Lesson 4 Types of LTM Encoding of LTM Capacity of LTM Duration of LTM Bahrick & colleagues (1975)
Long term memory The storage of information over a lengthy period of time Information can be stored for 30 seconds to a lifetime! All information in an individuals LTM will have went through SR and STM
Procedural (automatic) Long term memory There are three types of long term memory: Episodic Semantic Procedural (automatic)
Activity 1: What is memory worksheet
Long-term memory encoding Baddeley (1966b) Independent groups design Long-term memory encoding Baddeley (1966b) Baddeley presented participants with four lists to remember: List 1: man map can cap (similar sounding) List 2: try pig hut pen (dissimilar sounding) List 3: great big huge wide (similar meaning) List 4: run easy tug end (dissimilar meaning) Ppts had to recall words immediately then again after 20 minutes
Long-term memory encoding Baddeley (1966b) Findings: Little difference in the recall of words which sounded similar and dissimilar. Sound does not influence recall = not important for encoding Better recall for words which had dissimilar meaning, more so than similar. As the meaning of the words influenced the recall of the words, this suggests LTM is encoded semantically (based on meaning)
Long-term memory encoding The coding of information will be stronger and the memory more retrievable the deeper the level of processing of a stimulus that occurs while it is being experienced Encoding in LTM is predominately semantic – meaning based
Long-term memory capacity Anokim (1973) “no human yet exists who can use all the potential of their brain” suggesting unlimited capacity Information may be lost due to decay and interference, but such losses do not occur due to limitation of capacity
Long term memory duration The duration depends on the individuals life span as memories can last a lifetime! Unlike STM, information does not need to be rehearsed to be remembered This does not mean once something is in the LTM it stays there forever. Information can be lost through decay
Long term memory duration Bahrick & colleagues 1975 Aim: to investigate the duration of LTM Participants: 400 US participants aged between 17 and 74 years old Procedure: Shown photographs and provided list of names (some of which were their ex class-mates) Participants were asked to identify ex class-mates
Long term memory duration Bahrick & colleagues 1975 Findings: Those who left high school in the last 15 years were able to identify 90% of faces and names Those who left high school 48 years previously correctly identified 80% of names and 70% of faces
What does this mean? That an individuals long term memory’s can last a very very long time! There are extreme cases of long term memories: unlimited long-term memory
On white boards answer each question individually So… In our long term memory, Information is encoded in what form? How much information can be stored? How long is information stored for?
Practice question The answers everyone submitted were great and full of excellent knowledge! If the question was asking about what experimental METHOD was being used most of you would have got close to full marks! However, the question asked about experimental DESIGN
Please read your feedback carefully and make notes Experimental design refers to how participants are allocated to the different conditions For example: independent measures, repeated measures, matched pairs design An experimental method is the setting the study took place in. For example: a laboratory experiment, a field experiment, a natural experiment. Its really good we have spotted this error early! We can take note of our errors and learn from this Please read your feedback carefully and make notes