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Outcome Essential Question I will review my knowledge of 7th grade Spanish through station activities. Essential Question How can I use my prior knowledge to support my 8th grade Spanish learning? ¿Cómo uso mi conocimiento anterior para apoyar mi aprendizaje español del octavo grado?
Humberto Station 1 Interpretive Reading Humberto is going on vacation and needs to do some research. Google Classroom → Follow link for Google form Use the calendar and weather forecast at your station to answer the questions on the google form.
Interpretive Listening Station 2 Interpretive Listening Google Classroom → Follow link for listening audio file Directions: You are checking Humberto’s voicemail messages, you notice that many people are calling with dates that Humberto will need to remember. Circle the days on which he will have meetings according to the voicemail messages you hear.
Presentational Writing Station 3 Presentational Writing Humberto’s needs a weather forecast for to know what to pack for his vacation.. Use the resources at your station to write 3-4 sentences about the weather forecast. Do not forget to include the city name, day of week and weather conditions.
Interpersonal Speaking Station 4 Interpersonal Speaking You are making a list of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all of Humberto’s clients with the help of a co-worker. Ask your co-worker, in Spanish, for the missing information. Be prepared to respond to questions that your co-worker may have about similar information.
Presentational Speaking Station 5 Presentational Speaking Humberto thanks you for your help and wants to know a little bit about your preferences. You’re leaving him a voicemail so don’t forget to let him know what day it is. Use the voice recorder or call 631-403-0183 to present the following about yourself. ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? ¿En qué estación es tu cumpleaños? ¿Qué tiempo hace en la estación?