Introduction and Plans for Staff Senate Operating Procedure Changes New Business Introduction and Plans for Staff Senate Operating Procedure Changes
meeting with President Gallogly All three OU campus Staff Senate chairs will meet together with OU’s president on March 14th If you have concerns, suggestions or issues you would like share please respond to the request email that went out. Responses must be sent by March 11th. All names and identifiers will be removed for this process. Concerns, suggestions and issues will be grouped so we can give the President an indication of the number and types of issues raised. All items will be brought up for discussion and reviewed by the Executive Committee as potential future platforms for the HSC Staff Senate to address.
Amendment Procedure Amendments to the Operating Procedures of the HSC Staff Senate shall be made only at a regular or special meeting by two-third (2/3) affirmative vote of the Senators of the HSC Staff Senate present and voting, provided a quorum is present. Voting will occur at the April 4th Meeting. Please plan to attend! A proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the Administrative Coordinator who will direct the proposal to the Policy Review Committee for review and presentation to the HSC Staff Senate. Proposals shall be distributed to the members of HSC Staff Senate at least ten (10) calendar days before the meeting at which it will be considered. Proposed amendment will be sent in writing on March 15th. Please send any additional thoughts/considerations to Marty by March 13th to be included. Amendment will be sent to Policy Review Committee for consideration on March 15th with response back on March 20th. Formal Amendment will be emailed to Senators on March 21st . A formal vote may not be taken until the first regular or special meeting at which a quorum is present after the meeting when the amendment(s) was first considered
Proposal 1 - Revisions to committee Names In an effort to more accurately reflect the work being done by these committees the staff senate executive committee proposes the following changes: Current Proposed Title: Special Projects Committee Description: change only in name Title: Staff Week Committee Description: … The function of the Staff Week Committee shall be to coordinate staff week activities, including but not limited to, planning, organizing, budgeting, and conducting the events. Title: Fundraising Committee Description: change only in name Title: Staff Engagement Events Committee Description: … The function of the Staff Engagement Events Committee is to coordinate various Staff Senate employee events. This will include events such as Staff Week and Payday on Pay Day. The committee will be responsible for including, but not limited to, planning, organizing, budgeting, and carrying out of the events.
Proposal 2 - Revisions to representation groups In an effort to accurately reflect the structure of the university and update the number of representatives per current employees the staff senate executive committee proposes the following changes: Current 3
Proposal 2 - Revisions to representation groups In an effort to accurately reflect the structure of the university and update the number of representatives per current employees the staff senate executive committee proposes the following changes: Proposed: Group Representation Proposed # of Senators Group 1 College of Allied Health 2 Group 2 College of Dentistry Group 3 College of Medicine 11 Group 4 College of Nursing Group 5 College of Pharmacy Group 6 College of Public Health Group 7 Admin & Finance 5 Group 8 Special group consisting of: Admissions & Records, Graduate College, Library, Office of Research Administration, Provost & Student Affairs 4 Group 9 OU Physicians 10 Group 10 Centers of Excellence consisting of: Cancer Center, Diabetes Center 3
Proposal 3 – addition of communication committee In an effort to develop communications for the staff senate the staff senate executive committee proposes the development of a new committee: Proposed: See attachment for additional details. VI. B. 10 Communication Committee Shall consist of up to ten (10) members who serve two (2) year staggered terms beginning July 1. The Chair, Co-Chair and Committee Members shall be appointed annually by the Chair and Co-Chair of HSC Staff Senate. The Past Chair of the committee may serve in an advisory capacity. The purpose of the committee is to manage the communication and publicity activities of the Staff Senate as a way to share information among current staff employees, increase campus connectivity, and to promote outreach opportunities. The Communications Committee will communicate the activities and contributions of the Staff Senate to all staff and works to improve communication efforts across campus and raise awareness about the role performed by the Staff Senate.
Proposal 3a – Communication Chair addition to executive committee Current Proposed III. A. - The officers of the HSC Staff Senate shall be: Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Communication Committee Chair, and most recent Past Chair available (hereafter referred to as Past Chair). III. D. 7 – Communication Committee Chair shall: Create and implement Staff Senate Communication programs at the direction of the Executive committee. Be responsible for notifying the Executive Committee of the efforts of the Communication Committee on a monthly basis. Develop and maintain digital and print presence. III. A. - The officers of the HSC Staff Senate shall be: Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and most recent Past Chair available (hereafter referred to as Past Chair).
OUHSC Staff Senate Announcements – 3.7.19
Save the date – Staff week Monday, April 15th: Kicking off “take a break” 11am-1pm 4 food trucks currently scheduled off of Philips by the old OKC Clinic Parking lot. Tuesday, April 16th: Healthy Sooners Day 1pm-3pm Handing out goodies at both of the Health Club locations. Wednesday, April 17th: Breakfast at the Library Patio 7:30– 9:00am Staff will have a choice of either a burrito or a sweet roll. Thursday, April 18th: Snack and Give-a-way Day and Blood Drive Blood drive will be in the Library Atrium 9am-3:30pm. Staff Senate will be giving away popcorn and this year’s give-a-way, while supplies last, 2:30-3:30pm. Student Senate Association “Meet at the Walk” 4-6pm at Stanton L. Young Walk.
Save the date – Staff week Friday, April 19th: Cookout with cookie contest - Interested in entering the cookie contest please contact Debbie Arnold . Contestants can sign up to bring more than 1 recipe, but each recipe that is listed will need to provide 3 to 4 dozen 2in cookies. Friday, April 19th: Lunch is schedule to start serving at 11am. We plan to announce the cookie contest winners about 12:45pm. Remember: All Events are While Supplies Last Your OUHSC badge is required for participation!
UPCOMING HEALTHY SOONERS EVENTS National Nutrition Month Lots of events and activities, check your March 6th email from Healthy Sooners On-campus employee health screenings continue this month. Screenings are available at no out-of-pocket expense to all OUHSC employees with a 0.5 FTE or greater. Schedule available on the Healthy Sooner site: Fitness#67801360-appointments OHAI’s Tai Chi-A-Thon is happening April 26th9am-12pm Visit for more information.
Other campus Announcements Sooner Safety Week – March 25-29 HSC Big Event: Saturday, April 13, 2019 – Open to HSC Community Student Campus Awards – Monday April 15th @5pm Faculty Campus Awards – Monday April 22 @5pm
We are looking for good recruits We are looking for good recruits! Anyone interested in serving as a committee chair or possible executive committee position for the future, please Contact Kelli and Carol
Per Staff Senate Operating Procedures: Three (3) absences from scheduled HSC Staff Senate meetings may be cause for dismissal