Parts in Thesis
Front Matter Abstract What? Input? Output? How? Just list the Main technique (AI, Genetic Algo, Machine Learning, Image Processing, etc.) Don’t go into the detail much The result Any comparison? Result of the compare? (Better, etc.) Big O? Correctness? (Quantitative)
Chapter 1 : Introduction What is the topic The problem Your claim What did you do Input/output Why the problem? Is it hard? Anybody solves that already? Might link to the next chapter
Chapter 2 Related Work Collection of others works Map it!!! Categorize other ppl works Try to categorize yourself Notify the positioning of your work
Chapter 3 Background Knowledge Define terms, definitions Briefly state every related knowledge required for your work Elaborate some important one
Chapter 4 The Process How you actually solve your problem Give all the detail Parameters, pseudocode Include analysis, proof of the process
Chapter 5 Evaluation Describe your experiment Concentrate on “Repeatability” Describe the experiment process Give all parameters Don’t forget the purpose
Chapter 6 Result Show the result Analyze the result
Chapter 7 Conclusion Describe “How” you solve the problem and the result You can use any established term Give some insight to the problem List future work
Writing Order Process (theories and your system) Experiment Analysis Literature Review Conclusion Introduction Abstract