Monday’s Writing Topic - PreAP ~ Week 20 ~ Jan. 23 – 27 ~ Part 1 - Requirements: Write a page on the provided topic(s). You must use proper English language and structure (e.g. introduction paragraph, body paragraphs and conclusion paragraphs). It must be a minimum of a page in length on regular notebook paper. Use Biology vocabulary terms covered in class and thoroughly use your notes (internet resources are permitted, however, using your notes is highly encouraged).
Monday’s Writing Topic - PreAP ~ Week 20 ~ Jan. 23 – 27 ~ Describe how gene expression is a regulated process by writing about the following: (i) provide examples of different types of cells in your body, and why each type has a unique function (hint: cell differentiation and epigenome). (ii) describe environmental factors which can modify the genome (hint: UV radiation, diet) (iii) list the 5 different ways that genes can be regulated. (iv) list three things that proteins regulate/control
Monday’s Writing Topic - PreAP ~ Week 20 ~ Jan. 23 – 27 ~ Part 2 – Creating a Class “Word Wall/Roof”: Choose one of the key terms for this unit. You must either draw or print a picture that represents the true meaning of this term and have the written key term below it. This drawing/picture must be on a separate paper from Part 1, and should be approximately a 1/2 page in size. Ensure to include your name (first and last), date, and period on the back of drawing/picture.
Monday’s Writing Topic - Level ~ Week 20 ~ Jan. 23 – 27 ~ Part 1 – Requirements: (1) Get a notebook paper, (2) Write your first and last name, period, and date at the top of the paper, (3) Title the page: “Week 20 – Monday’s Vocabulary”. Part A: Complete the following vocabulary terms by writing the definition. Messenger RNA Exon Transfer RNA Intron Ribosomal RNA Mutation Transcription Epigenome Translation Gene expression Protein Synthesis Cell differentiation
Monday’s Writing Topic - Level ~ Week 20 ~ Jan. 23 – 27 ~ Part 2 – Creating a Class “Word Wall”: Choose one of the key terms for this unit. You must either draw or print a picture that represents the true meaning of this term and have the written key term below it. This drawing/picture must be on a separate paper from Part 1, and should be approximately a 1/2 page in size. Ensure to include your name (first and last), date, and period on the back of drawing/picture.