Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Blueprint for planning capital expenditures coordinates planning, financial capacity, and physical development Capital Budget: Upcoming year’s spending plan for capital items (tangible assets or projects that cost at least $10,000 and have a useful life of at least five years) Capital Plan: Outlines and describes expenditures that extend at least five years beyond the capital budget
CIP Benefits: Facilitates coordination between capital needs and the operating budgets. Identifies the most economical means of financing capital projects. Focuses attention on community objectives and fiscal capacity. Keeps the public informed about future projects. Encourages careful project planning and design to avoid costly mistakes and help a community reach desired results.
More than 750 miles of roads, and 158 bridges Yolo County CIP is a ten-year plan to forecast future public improvements, and to provide data concerning infrastructure (roads bridges) and equipment needs, it also identifies: The expected beginning and ending date of each project. The amount to be expended in each year. The method of financing those expenditures.