Ms.McKeown 2017-2018 Contact Me: Course Materials: Course Description: 7th Grade Literacy Ms.McKeown 2017-2018 Contact Me: E-MAIL TELEPHONE (585)268-7900 ext. 1112 Course Materials: Course Description: This course introduces/reiterates reading and writing skills that align to the Common Core Standards. This course is data driven by New York State Test results as well as the iReady Diagnostic Assessment in order to provide instruction that pertains to each student’s strengths and needs. Students will need to bring a folder, a notebook and a pencil to every class! In Literacy, students will be given a referral (after two warnings) if they aren’t prepared for class! Grading: Students will be given a Literacy Achievement Score, which is based on a 1-4 Standards-Based Grading Scale. This score will be an average based on assignments that are completed in class. Students will also be encouraged to follow appropriate learner behaviors (See Below). Homework Policy: Although homework will not be assigned in this class, students are encouraged to read for at least 20 minutes every night! If they complete a reading log, they may pick out of the prize box! Learner Behavior Rubric: The learning behaviors include: participating in and following classroom routines; demonstrating organizational skills and effective time management; accepting responsibility; respecting other students, adults and school property, including technology and demonstrating effort in classwork and homework. Learner Behavior Key: Exceeding Expectations 4 Meeting Expectations 3 Working Towards Expectations 2 Not Meeting Expectations 1
Ms. McKeown 2017-2018 1 BE RESPECTFUL 2 BE RESPONSIBLE 7th Grade Literacy Ms. McKeown 2017-2018 iReady Assessment: Throughout the school year, iReady will be used to measure student growth in terms of reading comprehension, vocabulary, phonics, and phonemic awareness. It is a diagnostic and standards-based assessment and is not a New York State Test. Please encourage your child to try his/her best as it guarantees an accurate measurement of the progress they have made in reading! Classroom Expectations: 1 BE RESPECTFUL 2 BE RESPONSIBLE 3 BE READY TO LEARN A classroom atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance is expected and anticipated. Students should know and follow all classroom, school rules, and the Student Code of Conduct. Consequences may consist of warnings, phone calls home, loss of privileges, detention, or referral. Sign-Up for Remind: What is it? Remind provides a safe way for teachers to text message students and to stay in touch with parents for free. What makes it safe? Teachers never see their student’s or parent’s phone numbers, Students or parents never see theirs. In this class, Remind is a one-way broadcast system without the reply feature. Why use it? Receive reminder messages sent directly to your phone for homework, quizzes, tests, projects, benchmarks, and upcoming school events. How do I sign-up? Text the phone number and the unique class code on the next page to begin receiving messages.
Ms. McKeown 2017-2018 1 BE RESPECTFUL 2 BE RESPONSIBLE 7th Grade Literacy Ms. McKeown 2017-2018 Student Expectations 1 BE RESPECTFUL 2 BE RESPONSIBLE 3 BE READY TO LEARN Dear Student, You are an essential part of our learning community and we need your participation with each of the items listed below. Please read and then initial next to each item. _______ I will bring my course materials with me to class on a daily basis. _______ I will try my best on reading assessments and assignments. _______ I will be respectful, I will be responsible, and I will be ready to learn. **The signatures below represent that both the student and the parent/guardian have read and understand all the information provided within the Course Expectations and Student Expectations.** Additionally, please include a phone number and/or email address so that I can communicate with you throughout the school year! Please keep the first two pages of this document, the Course Expectations and Remind homework code. Please return this document to school. _______________________________________ _________________________________ Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date _________________________________________ ___________________________________ Phone Number Email Address