Prayers for the week 15-18 April 2019 Holy Week Holy Week is the last week of Lent and runs from Palm Sunday until Easter. We remember the events that happened during this week nearly 2000 years ago, recalling the passion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, as portrayed in the Gospels. For our daily prayers we continue mostly with the stations of the Cross, which we started the week before the the Spring break. Let us be aware that as Christians we are part of the Body of the Church and that Christians all over the world are living Holy Week.
Monday 15 April Yesterday was Palm Sunday Dear Jesus, we thank you! You did not enter your holy city Jerusalem on the back of a war horse, but humbly and on a donkey. You knew that you were surrounded by enemies, yet you came in peace. We pray today that your ‘kingdom may truly come’ so that your people can live in peace. Watch over us this Holy Week and draw us nearer to yourself in faith, hope and love. Amen.
IX: Jesus falls a third time Monday 15 April IX: Jesus falls a third time Jesus, your journey has been long. You fall again, beneath your cross. You know your journey is coming to an end. You struggle and struggle. You get up and keep going. Sometimes I fail time and time again. I find it hard to get along with my sisters and brothers, sometimes I'm not honest, sometimes I'm lazy. I'm tempted to stop trying. It's just too hard sometimes. Help me think of the cross you carried. Help me continue to hope that I can make the changes in my life I need to. You didn't give up. I can have the strength to get up again as well. Amen.
X: Jesus is stripped of his garment Tuesday 16 April X: Jesus is stripped of his garment The soldiers notice you have something of value. They remove your cloak and throw dice for it. Your wounds are torn open once again. Some of the people in the crowd make fun of you. They tease you and challenge you to perform a miracle for them to see. They're not aware that you'll perform the greatest miracle of all! Sometimes I'm tempted to repeat stories I know are disrespectful. I sometimes try to act grown up by using crude and bad words. Help me say things that build up the people around me. Help me overcome worldly desires that I may become more like Jesus. Help me set a good example for others to follow. Amen.
XI: Jesus is nailed on the Cross Tuesday 16 April XI: Jesus is nailed on the Cross You are stretched out on the cross you have carried so far. The soldiers take big nails and drive them into your hands and feet. You feel abandoned by the people you loved so much. People seem to have gone mad. You have done nothing but good, yet they drive nails through your hands and feet. Sometimes I hurt others. Sometimes I join with friends and decide not to like another. We gang up against another and cause them hurt and pain. Sometimes I say or do hurtful things to my brothers and sisters. I can wonder what they'd think about themselves if they believed everything I told them about themselves. Help me look again at the people around me. Help me see the hurt and pain I have caused in others. Be with me to help me make amends for the harm I have done. Amen.
Wednesday 17 April XII: Jesus dies on the Cross As Jesus hung on the cross, he forgave the soldiers who had crucified him, and prayed for his mother and friends. Jesus wanted all of us to be able to live forever with God, so he gave all he had for us. Jesus, let me take a few moments now to consider your love for me. Help me thank you for your willingness to go to your death for me. Help me express my love for you! Amen.
Wednesday 17 April XIII: Jesus is taken down from the Cross Jesus, how brutally you were put to death. How gently you are taken from the cross. Your suffering and pain are ended, and you are put in the lap of your mother. The dirt and blood are wiped away. You are treated with love. Sometimes I treat others better when they're sad or in pain. When somebody dies, I become very gentle and kind. I notice the good and kind things people say about those who have died. Help me look for the good in those around me, especially those I love the most. Help me become a more gentle and loving person through my greater appreciation for those around me. Amen.
Thursday 18 April XIV: Jesus is laid in the tomb Jesus, your body is prepared for burial. Joseph gave you his own tomb. He laid your body there and rolled a large stone in front of it, then went home. What a sad day it has been for so many people. Sometimes I try to keep everything for myself. I find it hard to share my things with my brothers or sisters and with my friends. Help me think of Joseph of Arimathea, who risked his own life as he accepted Jesus' body for burial. Help me think of how Joseph loved Jesus so much that he gave him his own tomb. Amen.
Thursday 18 April Maundy Thursday Lord God, You sent your Son into the world, And before his hour had come, he washed his disciples’ feet. You had given all things into his hands. He had come from you, and was going to you, And what did he do? He knelt down on the floor, And washed his friends’ feet. He was their teacher and their Lord, yet he became their servant. Lord God, help us learn from his example; Help us to do as he has done for us. The world will know we are his disciples if we love one another. Strengthen our hands and our wills for love and for service. Keep before our eyes the image of your Son, Who, being God, became a Servant for our sake. All glory be to him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Afternoon Prayer and Reflection Lord Thank you for the morning, for watching over me and walking with me. May I find joy and understanding this afternoon, in all I do. Grant me the zest and the strength I need to work for you until nightfall. Amen Let us pause for a few moments in silence and remember those family members and friends who need our prayers and support today………… Let us ask Mary, our Mother, to join us in our prayers as we say: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen We end our reflection with a prayer inspired by our foundress followed by the school prayer: Loving Father, life-giving spirit – Marie Madeleine believed in your power, hoped in your promises and lived for your glory. We ask her to pray for us and be with us as we carry the FCJ spirit into the 21st century. Protect and guide the pupils and staff at Upton and at all FCJ schools in this country and around the world. Amen May the Lord bless us and keep us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen