Practice quiz
QUESTION 1 For centuries, dog breeders have chosen to breed particular dogs to pass on, or even enhance, desirable traits. This is an example of: Sexual selection Natural selection Artificial selection
QUESTION 2 In the phrase "Survival of the Fittest" the term "Fittest" refers to the organism's Physical strength Number of genes Suitability for its environment
QUESTION 3 A particular breed of hare has a coat that turns white in the winter to blend with the snow in its environment. One winter, no snow falls and the white coats make the hares easy for predators to see against the brown dirt. The most immediate expected result of this environmental change is that The next generation will have brown coats The white hares will be eaten The hares will migrate to a snowy region
QUESTION 4 The theory of evolution states that: Animals become extinct if the environment changes Alleles that improve survival will be passed down The organisms that produce the most offspring will survive
QUESTION 5 The birds shown above all have very different beak structure. These differences are known in evolutionary biology as Adaptations Variations Acquired traits
QUESTION 6 According to Darwin, the driving force behind evolution is Gene mutation Inheritance of acquired traits Natural selection
QUESTION 7 Natural selection acts upon Alleles that are expressed Only alleles that are result of mutations Only dominant alleles
QUESTION 8 The difference in body shape, shown below, are an example of Variation Adaptation Sexual selection
QUESTION 9 An individual dyes his hair black and intentionally gorges on food until he is morbidly obese. Which of these traits is likely to be passed on to any offspring? Obesity Black hair color Neither
QUESTION 10 The numbers in the picture show the positions of 4 fossils found deposited in the sedimentary rock. Which statement is NOT true? Fossil #1 is older than fossil #3 Fossil #3 is older than fossil #2 Fossil #4 is the oldest of the fossils
QUESTION 11 Fireflies are able to distinguish between their own species and other species by the rate and brightness of their flashing patterns. This is an example of : Geographical isolation Behavioral isolation Mechanical isolation
QUESTION 12 Two populations of similar organisms will be considered separate species when they Look different Become extinct Can no longer interbreed and produce fertile offspring
QUESTION 13 In a population of woolybeasts, individuals with long snouts tend to survive better on an island that has burrowing termites. Over time, the woolybeast population consists of individuals with extremely long snouts. This is an example of: Stabilizing selection Directional selection Disruptive selection
QUESTION 14 The vestigial human tailbone and the prehensile spider monkey's tail are _________ structures. Analogous Homologous vestigial
Answer Key C B A 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. B