A Journey in Love Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Parent Meeting 08.05.2019.


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Presentation transcript:

A Journey in Love Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Parent Meeting 08.05.2019

“The whole purpose of education at home and in the primary school is to connect every aspect of growth, physical, emotional, intellectual and social, with love. The ultimate goal is to enable adults to fully love themselves, i.e. accept themselves positively, and in turn to love their neighbour i.e. make themselves fully available to others.” Dr. Jack Dominian – Foreword, A Journey in Love

RSE at St Joseph’s RSE forms a part of the PSHEE Programme PSHEE, RE and RSE will have overlapping areas Our key objective is the well-being of the child Parents have the right to withdraw their children from elements of RSE education We believe parents are the prime educators of their children The school, church and family will work together; our role as a school is to support you and not to replace you

The Vision Statement “To be made in the image of God means to be a person in a relationship. It is in this context that our sexuality grows and develops from the moment of our conception. From early childhood we are on a journey of exploration of the richness various patterns of relationship offer and the appropriate tokens of exchange that they demand or admit.” Mgr. George Stokes – Vision Statement, A Journey in Love

What do we teach? In the Brentwood diocese the Programme a ‘Journey in Love’ is the recommended resource for the teaching of Relationship and Sex education because it is complied specifically to present a Catholic Vision. In each year group, an aspect of love is explored and developed starting from Reception to Year 6. Young people are encouraged to marvel at the wonder and beauty of God’s creative love reflecting in each person under the components: physical, intellectual, social emotional and spiritual. Each sections has suggested progressive/developmental learning tasks/activities and reflections. “An aspect of the mystery of love is treated in each year group…through a series of suggested, progressive and developmental tasks, activities and reflections which focus on physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. ” Sr Jude Groden RSM – Introduction, A Journey in Love

Overview of Themes Reception: God loves each of us in our uniqueness Year 1 : We meet God’s love in our family Year 2: We meet God’s love in the community Year 3: How we live in God’s love Year 4: God loves us in our differences Year 5: God loves me in my changing and development Year 6: The wonder of God’s love in creating new life.

Reception God loves each of us in our uniqueness. Children know and understand that God has made them unique and that although we are all different we are all special to Him.

Reception I grew for 9 months in my Mummy’s womb before I was born.

Year 1 We meet God’s love in our family Children know and understand that they are growing and developing as members of their own family and God’s family.

Examples of Year 1 activities: Draw a picture of my family How old was I when I learned to crawl, speak etc. How can I help at home? We are members of God’s family

Year 2 We meet God’s love in the community Children know and understand that they are growing and developing in a God-given community.

Examples of Year 2 activities: What is community? Explore school as a community How can we contribute to the community? As children of God, how should we help each other?

Year 3 How we live in love Children know and understand the virtues essential to friendship, e.g. loyalty, responsibility. They experience the importance both of forgiving and being forgiven and of celebrating God’s forgiveness

Examples of Year 3 activities: Who cares for me at home, school, parish, community? How do you keep safe? How do you take care of others? How do you feel if a friend is not there for you or you are not there for them? How can I forgive and include others as Jesus did?

Year 4 God loves us in our differences Children know and understand that they are all different and celebrate these differences as they appreciate that God’s love accepts us as we are and as we change.

Examples of Year 4 activities: Recognise all pupils grow and develop at a different rate Name male and female body parts Identify the development of the baby in the womb How do I appreciate my own and others gifts, talents, achievements and all that makes us unique St Paul’s teaching on love

Year 5 God loves me in my changing and development Children know and become aware of the physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty – sensitivity, mood swings, anger, boredom etc. They grow further in their understanding of God’s presence in their daily lives.

Examples of Year 5 activities: Identify and celebrate the ways I have changed since birth Discuss the external and internal changes which happen to boys and girls in puberty Recognise behaviour changes as we grow up Children share their understanding of change through poetry, prayer, art etc.

Year Six The wonder of God’s love in creating new life Children develop, in an appropriate way for their age, an understanding of sexuality and grow further in their appreciation of their dignity and worth as children of God.

Children develop, in an appropriate way for their age, an understanding of sexuality and grow further in their appreciation of their dignity and worth as children of God. Examples of Year 6 activities: Explain how human life is conceived Male and female reproductive organs Sexual intercourse between husband and wife How a child grows within the mother’s womb How we often use the word love too casually Understand that God causes new life to begin through the love that parents have for each other

“Marriage based on exclusive and definitive love becomes an icon of the relationship between God and his people and vice versa. God’s way of loving becomes the measure of human love.” Deus Carita Est 11- Pope Benedict XVI