For painting the corresponding amount of dots to the numbers 1 to 10. Achievement Award Cameron For painting the corresponding amount of dots to the numbers 1 to 10. Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Sienna For doing really well with her Revi reading and phonics. She sounded out the first letter of words and matched them to pictures. Well done Sienna! Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Toby Travelled to his PECS book and to a staff member to make a request. Well done Toby! Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Nicholas For excellent listening and good concentration in lessons this week. Super work in cooking and writing. Well done! Date: 5th June 2015
For brilliant intensive interaction work. Achievement Award Cacia For brilliant intensive interaction work. Well Done Cacia! Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Stephanie Stephanie engaged in a shared reading activity, recalling key text repeatedly, when asked what happens next. Fantastic lesson. Well done Stephanie! Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Tiarna Tiarna was very focused during a maths activity for 20 minutes, and then remained engaged with water play, exploring different containers for a further 20 minutes. Well done Tiarna! Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Hayley For excellent speaking skills and behaviour all the time whilst on the residential week, and for being Queen of the hot tub!. Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Mitchell For very good walking and for trying every activity with enthusiasm on the FE residential trip. Date: 5th June 2015
A very good week. Well done Elliot! Class Pupil of the Week Elliot For identifying the right stop to get off the bus when coming back from Basingstoke, and for excellent subtraction work in maths. A very good week. Well done Elliot! Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Adam For very hard work during the residential week, always persevering with activities even when tired or nervous. Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Thomas For excellent independence skills during the residential week, dressing, showering and taking care of himself with very minimal support. Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award Sam For excellent progress of communication skills during the residential week – signing ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in response to a question and initiating asking for help. Date: 5th June 2015
Achievement Award William For trying out lots of new activities during the residential week, in spite of being very nervous about them. Date: 5th June 2015