MUSI 207 World Music Orientation
MUSI 207 Introductions Student Information Sheet Syllabus
Student Information Sheet Please fill out the Student Information Sheet I will NOT ask you to play or sing individually but please let me know if you have ever played an instrument, even for a short time. You need to become familiar with the Desire to Learn (D2L) online system as we will be using that for chapter exams, PowerPoint presentations and grading. We’ll have a lab in the future on how to use it.
FOR NEXT CLASS: You need to purchase the textbook; we will use it almost every class. READ CHAPTER 1. You also need to buy a bluebook for Tuesday. We will be using the MSU-B Desire to Learn (D2L) server (only this class can get into the folder)...please check that you can access this. Instructions are on my electronic syllabus ( ) You will receive a D2L email from me this week…please reply so that I know we are “connected.” Come to class Monday with several chapters that are of interest as we will be assigning chapters for presentations. See you Tuesday!
“I think music in itself is healing “I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” Billy Joel