Topic: Facts about Ukraine 8th form Рогатньова Тетяна Олексіївна, вчитель англійської мови ССШ № 17 м. Сєвєродонецька, спеціаліст вищої категорії, вчитель-методист
Ця презентація допоможе вам: розширити лексичний запас з теми «Україна» повторити правила вживання артиклів навчитися розповідати про визначні пам'ятки України поглибити свої знання про Україну Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Seven Wonders of Ukraine St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv Kamyanets-Podilsky Fortress Khotyn Fortress Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Kyiv Seven Wonders of Ukraine Sofiyivka, Uman, Cherkasy Region Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17 Chersoneses, Sebastopol
Talk about the seven wonders of Ukraine using the following information. Kamyanets-Podilsky a famous fortress to cover the area of 121 hectares the Old Town the Smotrych River the Smotrych Canyon Castle Bridge the Old and New Castles. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Kyiv to be founded in 1051 by the monks Antoniy and Feodosiy the Berestove Caves the centre of Christianity in the 11th century to become famous as Lavra monastery in the 12th century to play a great role in the development of culture in Kyiv Rus to have good collections of ancient manuscripts, cloth, embroidery, jewellery, ancient icons and the works of modern artists. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Sofiyivka, Uman, Cherkasy Region: to be situated in the southern part of Uman the Kamianka River to cover the area of 179,2 hectares to welcome 500,000 visitors a year the fabulous collection of 546 types of trees, 1557 types of bushes, 115 types of lianas, 1212 types of herbs. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv: to be situated in the centre of Kyiv to date back to the 11th-18th centuries one of the main cathedrals in Central Europe to be founded by Yaroslav the Wise to be devoted to St. Sophia the marvelous interior design which reproduces the medieval model of the Universe to write chronicles the first library in Kyiv Rus to be ruined by the enemies many times to survive till nowadays beautiful frescoes and mosaics. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Chersoneses, Sebastopol the ancient Greek town-state to be situated in the south- western part of the Crimea near modern Sebastopol to be founded in 422-421 B.C. as a Greek town on the southern coast of the Black Sea the ruins of Greek, Roman and Byzantine fortifications, houses, baths, churches and the ancient theatre for 3,000 people. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Khotyn Fortress the fortress of the 13th-18th centuries the first fort of the 9th century was built under Prince Volodymyr to be situated on the important trade crossroads to be connected with the names of many historical figures (Danylo Halytsky, Stephan III from Moldova, Mohammed II, the Turkish Sultan, Ian Tarnovsky from Poland, Bohdan Khmelnitsky, and others). Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia the biggest island of the Dnipro River the unique natural and historical complex to cover the area of 3,000 hectares to stretch for 12,5 km from the west to the east and 2,5 from the north to the south used to be covered with thick forests a steppe in the southern part of the island with the rare types of plants and herbs deep slopes in the south-western part of the island ancient settlement which dates back to III-II thousand years B.C. to have a good strategic location to be connected with the history of Zaporizhzhyan Cossacks. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Khortytsia Island Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Guess the geographical names: INEUKRA NIROPD IYVK MANU Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Fill in the gaps with the words given below: bank, wash, longest, rivers, European, population, devoted, snowball-tree, mineral resources, capital, mountains 1) Ukraine is a ___ country. 2) The ___ of our Motherland is Kyiv. 3) It is on the ___ of the Dnipro River. 4) The Black Sea and the Azov Sea ___ Ukraine. 5) There are beautiful ___ in our country: the Carpathian ___ and the Crimea ___. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
7) The ___ river is Dnipro. bank, wash, longest, rivers, European, population, devoted, snowball-tree, mineral resources, capital, mountains 6) There are many ___ in our country: the Dnipro, the Dniester and the Bug. 7) The ___ river is Dnipro. 8) The ___ of Ukraine is 46 million people. 9) Ukraine is rich in ___. 10) Ukrainians have always been ___ to their Motherland. 11) People sing songs about a ___ and plant it near their houses Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Fill in the articles a, an or the where they are necessary 1. __ Ukraine is situated in __ centre of __ Europe. 2. __ Ukraine borders on __ Russia, __ Moldova, __ Romania, __ Hungary, __ Slovakia, __ Poland and __ Belarus. 3. __ Carpathian Mountains have __ flat summits and __ gentle slopes. 4. Have you ever tried to climb __ Hoverla? 5. What is __ highest peak of __ Crimea Mountains? 6. My family usually spends __ month or __ two in __ summer at __ Black Sea or __ Sea of Azov. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
8. My grandparents live in __ Rivne. 7. __ Ukraine consists of 24 regions and __ Autonomous Republic of __ Crimea. 8. My grandparents live in __ Rivne. 9. __ cities of __ Kiev and __ Sebastopol have __ special status set by __ laws of __ Ukraine. 10. __ climate along __ coasts of __ Black Sea and __ Sea of Azov is much warmer than __ climate of __ rest of __ country. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
People in Ukraine inhabited – обжили prehistoric – доісторичний to grow the crops – (тут) займатися землеробством to be engaged in crafts – займатися ремеслами Slavonic – слов'янський hospitable – гостинний determined – рішучий self-sacrifice – самопожертва passionate – пристрасний sorrows and joys – печалі та радощі Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
People inhabited the territory in south-western Europe, that is now Ukraine, since prehistoric times. The territory of Ukraine in ancient times was inhabited by the tribes of the Slavs. They grew the crops, hunted, fished, kept bees, and were engaged in various crafts. The official language is Ukrainian. According to UNESCO it occupies the twenty-second place among the world languages and the second place after Russian among the Slavonic languages. And what kind of people are we? In a recent poll, the Ukrainian people were asked to describe themselves: 80 % described us as tolerant people; 73 % thought Ukrainians were hospitable to foreigners; finally 71 % agreed that Ukrainians were reserved people. But all the people admit that the main characteristics features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. They welcome visitors open-heartedly, warmly and generously. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Ukrainians are hard-working and skillful Ukrainians are hard-working and skillful. They are brave, determined and ready for self-sacrifice. People in Ukraine are well-known for their dancing and singing abilities. It is impossible to imagine Ukraine and Ukrainians without music. All people’s sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land are in our songs. The Ukrainian nation is very talented. Our country gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the world. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Read and tick the statements T (true) or F (false) 1. Ukrainians inhabited the territory in south-eastern Europe, that is now Ukraine, since the 10th century. 2. Now we live in an independent country. 3. Ukrainians comprise the biggest part of the whole population of Ukraine. 4. The Ukrainian language occupies the twentieth place among the world languages. 5. The main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. 6. Ukrainians have no sense of humour. 7. Our country didn’t give many talented singers, musicians and composers to the world. Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Match the words 1 A square kilometre a) owed to someone or something 2 To border on b) a surface which is higher on one side than the other 3 A peak c) to reach, spread out or cover 4 A slope d) the official legal position or condition of a person, group, country, etc. 5 Gentle e) something such as useful land, or minerals such as oil or coal 6 To stretch f) not rough 7 A status g) a unit for measuring area 8 Due to h) to share a border with another country 9 Resources i) the pointed top of a hill or a mountain Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Match the words in two columns to make word combinations Divide territory Connect attention Produce into 2 parts Occupy a city Found friends Attract banks Visit goods Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Think and give the names of: a tourist city in Ukraine a big town in the East an old university a beautiful building in your city a boring town a town near the sea an industrial city a modern university an interesting town Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
What’s the opposite? Sort the words out into two columns. Ancient Young Powerful Boring Huge Left Best Modern Comfortable Worst Interesting Old Weak Right Tiny Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
Quiz! 1) Ukraine is a large ___ country. a) European b) Asian c) African 2) The population of Ukraine is ___. a) more than 46 million people b) more than 56 million people с) less than 40 million people 3) There are ___ in the South of Ukraine. a) 4 seas b) 2 seas c) 3 seas 4) The Carpathian mountains are in ___. a) the East b) the South c) the West Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17
5) What is the highest peak of the Carpathian Mountains? 6) What is the largest lake in Ukraine? 7) What mineral resources isn’t our country rich in? a) oil b) gas c) coal 8) Our national emblem is: a) a golden trident in a blue field b) a blue trident in a golden field с) a golden trident in a red field 9) What plant is a symbol of Ukraine? a) a sunflower b) a birch c) a snowball-tree 10) What was the name of a permanent fortress, which Cossacks built? 11)Who was the first president of Ukraine? a) L. Kuchma b) V. Yuschenko c) L. Kravchuk Рогатньова Т. О., ССШ № 17