A) Pressure–time and b) flow–time waveforms in the panel of ventilator Astral 150 (ResMed, Bella Vista, Australia). a) The expiratory flow curve does not.


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Presentation transcript:

a) Pressure–time and b) flow–time waveforms in the panel of ventilator Astral 150 (ResMed, Bella Vista, Australia). a) The expiratory flow curve does not reach the zero-flow line when the inspiration starts (arrows), meaning that the expiratory time was not... a) Pressure–time and b) flow–time waveforms in the panel of ventilator Astral 150 (ResMed, Bella Vista, Australia). a) The expiratory flow curve does not reach the zero-flow line when the inspiration starts (arrows), meaning that the expiratory time was not sufficient for lung emptying, providing proof of the presence of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPi). b) The expiratory flow curve reaches the zero-flow before the inspiration starts, meaning that the expiratory time was sufficient for lung emptying. There is no PEEPi. Begum Ergan et al. Eur Respir Rev 2018;27:170101 ©2018 by European Respiratory Society