Shoe Drawings for “Shoe Game” – Week 9
I CAN: Add and subtract within 20. Tell the difference between ODD and EVEN numbers. Skip count by 2’s. Week 9, Days 2 & 4
Socks 1st Grade Word Problem – Week 9, Day 2 Name: _______________________________ Mama Bear was doing laundry. She pulled 18 socks out of the dryer. How many pairs of socks did she have? Twenty Frame Drawing Is 18 an odd number or an even number? Odd Even
What Makes 20? 10 14 13 16 12 16 9 8 15 11 10 12 15 17 14 11 16 14 15 13 14 18 12 11 13
Train Stop 1st Grade Word Problem – Week 9, Day 4 Name: _______________________________ 8 people got on a train at the first stop. At the next stop, 6 more people got on. How many total people are on the train? Drawing Twenty Frame Is the answer an odd number or an even number? Odd Even
Use red and black to indicate the different colors of the beads. Fluency Exercise - Week 9, Day 5 Name: _______________________________ Draw 12 beads on each rekenrek. Create different arrangements on each drawing. Use red and black to indicate the different colors of the beads.
Rekenrek Images - Week 9, Day 5
1st Grade Odd/Even Coloring Sheet – Week 9, Day 4 Name: ________________________________ Color the apples with odd numbers, red. Color the apples with even numbers, green. How many apples are in this picture? 11 9 13 20 12 17 15 8 18 16 5 10 Is the number of apples odd or even?
Grading Sheet – Week 9 Addition 1-20, Skip Counting by 2’s Skip Counts by Twos (starting at any even number between 2-20) Completes Weekly Project Appropriately Adds within 20 (using manipulative) Subtracts within 20 (using manipulative) Recognizes Odd and Even Numbers (between 1-20) Answers Word Problems Correctly Draws Rekenrek Image (using two bead colors correctly)