Transforming Oneonta’s Assessment Culture: Assessing What We VALUE College Senate SUNY Oneonta September 22, 2008
Presenter Patty Francis Associate Provost for Institutional Assessment & Effectiveness
“…institutional assessment efforts should not be concerned about valuing what can be measured but, instead, about measuring that which is valued.” - Banta, Lund, Black, & Oblander (1996)
Assessment for Accountability Vs. Assessment for Enhancement Compliance with external accreditors, certification bodies, and other entities the major function Assessment activity more “stop and start” (i.e, frantic) in response to external requirements Assessment more “top down” than “bottom up” and overseen/conducted by small portion of campus community Not much institutional attention to assessment once external mandates are met
Assessment for Accountability Vs. Assessment for Enhancement Major impetus for assessment: How can we use data to get better? Assessment part of institution’s “SOP” – ongoing, not intermittent and intense Process more faculty- and staff-driven (but, with administrative support), with many individuals from across campus – including students – participating in process Assessment acknowledged by institution as valuable – and valued - activity
So, How Does Action Plan Promote Assessment as Enhancement? Using Data to Get Better Focus on documenting assessment activity, linking that activity to objectives, and “closing the loop” Comprehensive review of institutional data sources in order to address important issues related to accuracy, availability, and access Assessment as “SOP” Development of templates to guide units – academic and administrative – that need assistance as well as of ongoing assessment schedule Formation of standing committees to help in these efforts
So, How Does Action Plan Promote Assessment as Enhancement? Participatory Process with Clear Administrative Support Oversight committees comprised primarily by faculty and staff Ongoing outreach activity by APIAE Office (including workshops, orientation sessions, and meetings with faculty, staff, and students) Assessment as Valued Activity Development and implementation of incentive grant programs Institution-wide assessment philosophy and resolution endorsed by College Senate Use of special events and media to recognize assessment activity (e.g., Assessment Day, Web site) Constructing processes for linking good assessment, planning, and budgeting
“…assessment for accountability may begin to complement, and even strengthen, assessment for improvement.” - Banta (2007)
Important Questions What are your biggest concerns about the action plan (or, about assessment more generally)? What would alleviate those concerns?