Data Acquisition and Analysis for Sleep Architecture Study Andrew Myers Ross Fuller Advisor: Dr. John Cohen Special Thanks to Dr. Paul Harris
Objectives Sleep Study Data Acquisition Conversion of pH data EEG, EMG, EOG, EKG, pH, Respiratory Rate, Oxygen Saturation Conversion of pH data Event recognition (pH < 4) Data Analysis, Presentation Graphical and Statistical analysis in MatLab
GERD is a common disorder... 40% of Americans suffer monthly. 7% of Americans suffer daily. 25% of Americans take an antacid >2x/month It is the most common acid-related disorder. It is becoming more common as the population ages.
What is not known? The exact relationship between reflux events and sleep stage in normal volunteers and GERD patients. How fundoplication affects objective sleep patterns in patients with GERD.
The Sleep Study The effects of fundoplication on subjects experiencing sleep disruption due to nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) Conducted in a clinical setting at the Vanderbilt Medical Center’s General Clinical Research Center
Electrode and Probe Placement
Analysis Esophageal pH data downloaded Sleep data interpreted by neurologist (blinded) Questionnaire, pH, sleep data integrated on database