Budget Project – This is My Life
These are my children or child, include picture(s) name(s):
This is my house: This slide should contain not only a picture of your house, but how much it costs. You will also need to calculate your monthly payments. Remember to choose a house that will fit your families needs. If you are working with a partner that partner may be a roommate, make sure there is enough rooms for you, your children and your roommate.
This is my car: This slide should contain not only a picture of your car, but how much it costs. You will also need to calculate your monthly payments. If you are working with a partner, you may need two cars, be sure to think about this.
This is my job(s) This is where you will list your job, your salary, per year and per month. Remember if you are working with someone they must also list their job, their salary, per year and per month.
Expenses On this slide talk about what other expenses you may have per month, and forecast how much you think each of these will cost you. Example – cable, phone, electric, water, food shopping, etc. Use the internet to find this information or ask an adult – parent/guardian, friends mom, teacher, etc. Tell them your doing research to use in a presentation. Search average cable bill, electric, etc on Long Island – you should get some numbers. What is your cell phone bill? Look up the different plans available
Lifestyle – Tell me about your life (remember you are forecasting, so tell me a story of how you think you will be living at this time in your life)