States of consciousness Hypnosis, Psychoactive drugs
Hypnosis State of altered consciousness Focused attention Physical relaxation Heightened suggestibility
Hypnosis Interaction between the hypnotist and the subject Depends on subject’s suggestibility Belief is critical!
Hypnosis theories Social phenomenon Divided consciousness Role played by subject Divided consciousness Split awareness
Hypnosis: Fact or Fiction? Everyone is susceptible to suggestion. Hypnosis can help people remember events. Hypnosis can force people to act against their own beliefs. Hypnosis can relieve pain. Hypnosis can be therapeutic.
Psychoactive drugs Substances originating outside the body that affect the brain
Dependence Psychological dependence Physical dependence Cravings Tolerance Withdrawal Cravings
Psychoactive drugs Each drug has specific properties and effects Expectations influence experience
Depressants Decrease CNS function Alcohol Opiates
Stimulants Increase CNS function Caffeine Nicotine Cocaine Amphetamine Methamphetamine Ecstasy
Hallucinogens Alter sensations and perceptions LSD THC