Unusual jobs in science @EducateCareers Unusual jobs in science If you’re interested in science there are lots of jobs out there for you. Here you’ll be presented with 10 science related jobs and you must decide whether the job is real or fake. Remember, some of the jobs might sound like a real job, but you must decide whether a scientist would do the job. Click icons for links to…
Real Fake Firework Designer @EducateCareers Question 1 Responsible for designing fireworks to ensure they are safe and visually impressive Real Fake
Real Firework Designer @EducateCareers Question 1 Responsible for designing fireworks to ensure they are safe and visually impressive Real A firework designer must have a good understanding of explosives.
Real Fake Space Psychologist @EducateCareers Question 2 Responsible for ensuring astronauts are well supported to deal with spending time in space Real Fake
Real Space Psychologist @EducateCareers Question 2 Responsible for ensuring astronauts are well supported to deal with spending time in space Real Going to space and back can be quite a stressful experience. Space psychologists help astronauts deal with the stress.
Responsible for taking venom from a snake @EducateCareers Question 3 Snake Milker Responsible for taking venom from a snake Real Fake
Responsible for taking venom from a snake @EducateCareers Question 3 Snake Milker Responsible for taking venom from a snake Real Snake venom has many uses, but it’s a dangerous job so a great deal of training is needed.
Responsible for travelling the world to find scientific phenomenon @EducateCareers Question 4 Science Chaser Responsible for travelling the world to find scientific phenomenon Real Fake
Responsible for travelling the world to find scientific phenomenon @EducateCareers Question 4 Science Chaser Responsible for travelling the world to find scientific phenomenon Fake While some people do travel the world in search of unusual things, it’s not really a science job.
Real Fake Scatologist @EducateCareers Question 5 The study of excrement Real Fake
Real Scatologist @EducateCareers Question 5 The study of excrement Excrement can help inform a scientist of an animals health.
Uses laughter as a form of therapy @EducateCareers Question 6 Laughter Therapist Uses laughter as a form of therapy Real Fake
Uses laughter as a form of therapy @EducateCareers Question 6 Laughter Therapist Uses laughter as a form of therapy Real It’s one of the lesser-known therapies, but it is still a therapy.
Real Fake ID Badge Specialist @EducateCareers Question 7 Checks people’s ID Real Fake
Fake ID Badge Specialist @EducateCareers Question 7 Checks people’s ID Some people are responsible for checking a person’s ID, but it’s not a science based job.
Fermentation Scientist @EducateCareers Question 8 Fermentation Scientist An expert in fermentation, which is best know as a process for making alcohol Real Fake
Fermentation Scientist @EducateCareers Question 8 Fermentation Scientist An expert in fermentation, which is best know as a process for making alcohol Real The process of fermentation is very scientific, not everyone that makes alcohol is a scientist though.
Ensures lab coats are protective @EducateCareers Question 9 Lab Coat Tester Ensures lab coats are protective Real Fake
Ensures lab coats are protective @EducateCareers Question 9 Lab Coat Tester Ensures lab coats are protective Fake Lab coats are tested to ensure they are protective, but it’s not a scientists job to do it.
Real Fake Scientific TV Consultant @EducateCareers Question 10 Advises TV shows on what they should do or say Real Fake
Real Scientific TV Consultant @EducateCareers Question 10 Advises TV shows on what they should do or say Real Many TV shows have employed scientists to help advise them on what they should say or do to make it more realistic
A few other unusual jobs in science… @EducateCareers A few other unusual jobs in science… Nanotechnology engineer Geospatial analyst Food science technologist Photonics engineer Zoo endocrinologist Climate change analyst Forensic anthropologist Volcanologist
For more information: Click icons for links to… @EducateCareers http://www.livescience.com/37284-weirdest-science-jobs.html http://www.plotr.co.uk/advice/articles/10-weird-science-jobs-youll-love-but-you-need-a-science-a-level-to-do-them/ http://blogs.nature.com/naturejobs/2014/07/03/how-to-become-a-science-advisor-for-films-and-tv-shows/ Click icons for links to…