Topic 3a- American Expansion and Global Power Objectives Define the Monroe Doctrine and explain its original weaknesses and significance for the United States Explain the various motivations of the United States to expand Relevance 1. The United States today continues to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest global power in the world today. What are US relationships today with other parts of the globe? Have we deviated or stayed on the main course of our history of foreign policy.
Intro to US Foreign Policy Foreign Policy-a government’s strategy for dealing with other nations Washington Farewell Address (1796)-neutrality "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world“ "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none." Using the quotes above, what were the main goals for US foreign policy according to Washington? 2. What are current event stories you have heard recently regarding US foreign policy and our relations with foreign nations?
Monroe Doctrine Monroe Doctrine (1823) Warning to European nations to stay out of North/South America (Western Hemisphere) Issue of enforcement-US not strong military (yet) Allows for US intervention in Latin America How did the Monroe Doctrine attempt to exert US influence over Latin America and the Western Hemisphere? Why was it somewhat “unenforceable” in the 1820s? Examine the political cartoon above. What is the overall message the political cartoon is pointing to?
1. Explain the above political cartoon and the overall messages.
Reasons for US Expansion Industrial Revolution/Economy Manifest Destiny-US God-given right and desire to expand Social Darwinism-natural selection/survival of the fittest How would the Industrial Revolution and growth of the economy in the United States contribute to US’s desires to expand? How do the ideas of Manifest Destiny and Social Darwinism factor into US motivations for expansion? How does this portray the United States? What is the overall message of the political cartoon regarding Manifest Destiny? Who is the woman?
Continued Motivations Military (Alfred Thayer Mahan)-navy necessary for world dominance Birth of imperialism-extending a country’s influence (over others) through diplomacy or force Europe already imperializing-now US’s turn Define imperialism in your own words The cartoon depicts the imperialism of Africa? Is the United States included? Based on the Monroe Doctrine, where will the US most likely try to exert their influence and become a global power?