DITA Adoption Technical Committee CHARTER OASIS DITA Adoption Technical Committee (ATC) members collaborate to provide expertise and resources to educate the marketplace on the value of the DITA OASIS standard. By raising awareness of the benefits offered by DITA, the ATC has increased demand for and availability of DITA-conforming products and services. This increased demand has resulted in both a greater choice of tools and platforms and an expanded DITA community of users, suppliers, and consultants. CONTACTS Jane Credland, Don Day, Stan Doherty (Secretary), Stefan Gentz, Chris Goolsby, Scott Hudson, Kathy Madison, Jonathan Piasecki, Keith Schengili-Roberts (Chair), Joseph Storbeck, and Bob Thomas ONLINE RESOURCES DITA knowledgebase -- http://dita.xml.org OASIS web site: https://www.oasis-open.org/ DITA Adoption wiki -- https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption DITA Adoption OASIS home page: - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=dita-adoption CONFERENCE RESOURCES The conference USB thumb drive contains the following Adoption TC whitepapers: Migration roles: DITA-Adoption_2013_Roles-and-Responsibilities_DITA-Migration_en.pdf Release Mgt: DITA-Adoption_2015_About-the-DITA1.3-Release-Management-Domain.pdf Scoped Keys: DITA-Adoption_2015_Understanding-Scoped-Keys-in-DITA1.3.pdf Short Descriptions: DITA-Adoption_2016_Writing-Effective-Short-Descriptions.pdf Troubleshooting: DITA-Adoption_2014_Using-DITA1.3-Troubleshooting.pdf GET INVOLVED New articles for dita.xml.org (contact Keith Schengili-Roberts or Don Day) Technical whitepapers on DITA features (contact TBD) Regional DITA "listening sessions" (contact TBD)