Evidence-Based Programs What Every Sentencing Judge Needs to Know THANK YOU FOR INVITATION THANKS FOR ROLE JUDGES PLAY THANK LEW DAVIS FOR SEEKING ME OUT MY BACKGROUND AT RAND POLICE PROSECUTORS SENTENCING JUVENILE JUSTICEW CAREER CRIMINALS THREE STRIKES EBP FOR JUVENILES What we will cover What are the benefits of EBP? How reliable are those benefits? How are EBPs different? Dr. Peter Greenwood peter.greenwood@sbcglobal.net Alliance of California Judges Judicial Education Conference, October 7 – 9 2016
Two Methods of Identifying EBPs Clinical Trials Blueprints Crime Solutions NREPP Meta-Analysis Prof. Lipsey Prof. Latessa WSIPP Advantages of each Proven Models Training from developer Model Implementation Quality Assurance CQI Generic Models No need to change programs Modest improvement
Washington State Institute for Public Policy “WSIPP’s mission is to carry out practical, non-partisan research—at legislative direction—on issues of importance to Washington State.” Prison, Police, and Programs: Evidence-Based Options that Reduce Crime and Save Money www.wsipp.wa.gov
Reducing crime Saving money Changing lives www.aaebp.org Mod 1 7
EBP in Juvenile Justice Based on models that have been rigorously evaluated & proven effective Cover full range of child development Many pay for themselves several times over Before Blueprints all we had were unproven ideas Private vs Public Aftercare Intensive Supervision Wilderness Challenge Boot Camps DARE Scared Straight
Top Rated Program Models: (Blueprints & WSIPP) Functional Family Therapy (FFT) Multisystemic Therapy (MST) Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) Life Skills Training (LST) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Aggression Replacement Training (ART) Top 4 are ones of most interest to juvenile justice and best monitored. Top 3 are usually probation programs. NFP is usually Public Health Need to emphasize importance of team structure. This is why we count teams in measuring avaiability. 7/28/2019 Advancing Evidence Based Practice
Advancing Evidence Based Practice 7/28/2019
EBPs for Young Adult Reentry (per WSIPP) 1 Risk Need & Responsivity supervision (high and moderate risk offenders) $3.79 Case management: swift & certain sanctions for drug offenders $3.20 Work release $10.08 Intensive supervision (surveillance & treatment) $1.59 Outpatient/non-intensive drug treatment (community) $6.05 Inpatient/intensive outpatient drug treatment (community) $1.38 Case management: not swift and certain for substance abusing offenders $0.62 Offender Re-entry Community Safety Program (dangerously mentally ill) $1.76 FFT (juveniles in institutions) $11.20
Implementing an EBP Review programing needs/client characteristics Select an appropriate EBP Planning Staffing Training Pilot Take to scale Issues for Louisiana Judges One size does not fit all New EBP is unlikely to produce outcomes like those cited in the literature for first 2 years Ask for local performance measures to assess results and support sustainability Brief targeted interventions work and produce incredible results Judges frustrate by layers of bureaucracy that keep being added to Medicaid
Key Steps in Implementing EBPs Statewide Structured involvement of all key stakeholders Development of local expertise Pilot testing of new evidence-based programs Creation of Information Resource Center List of EBPs to be supported by state Special funding for designated EBPs TA to counties re needs assessment, program selection and implementation ______________________ key stakeholders Law Enforcement Parole Prosecutor Mental Health Community Based Providers Anybody left out can gum up the works. 7/28/2019 Advancing Evidence Based Practice
How to classify states ? Helping it happen Letting it happen Making it Difference between helping & making it happen are enormous CT has more than 10 teams per million population CA and FL each have less than 2 s Letting it happen
Crime, Budget & Treatment per Capita in CA Counties