Color Layers Water= BLUE Crust- Continental Top= GREEN Oceanic Bottom= YELLOW Mantle- Upper= ORANGE Middle= RED Lower= PINK Core- Outer= GREY Inner= BLACK Cut out layers and names Glue according to sample Label LITHOSPHERE= Lower crust and upper mantle ASTHENOSPHERE= Right side, middle mantle CONVECTION CURRENT= Inside middle mantle, circular arrows
Layers of the Earth Notes foldable
Crust OCEANIC: CONTINENTAL: Thinner and more dense Made of Basalt rock Squished together Made of Basalt rock Ocean floor and under continental crust Newest seafloor at ridge opening Solid rock CONTINENTAL: Thicker and less dense 5-70 km thick Made of Granite rock Land surfaces Solid rock Mountains formed from colliding continental crust
Mantle Upper Middle/Upper Lower LITHOSPHERE= upper mantle + lower crust ASTHENOSPHERE= plastic-like and flowing Semi rigid-solid Rigid and brittle Magma= melted rock Broken into pieces called PLATES Convection currents Floats on asthenosphere below and moves by convection currents= PLATE TECTONICS Thickest layer Solid rock Conduction zones
CORE makes Earth a giant magnet OUTER Liquid metal Spinning around inner core Magnetic field is protective layer against space debris Made of IRON (Fe) and NICKEL (Ni) 2000 km thick INNER Solid metal Dense central core Like peanut in a peanut M&M Made of IRON (Fe) and NICKEL (Ni) 1500 km