SHS Open House 2018 Welcome parents to biology 1! Samantha Yelnick (985) 643 – 2992 *Feel free to take a photo of this slide*
Course content LDOE Unit 1: Evolution 9 weeks LDOE Unit 2: Genetics & Heredity 9 weeks LDOE Unit 3: Ecosystems Part A 9 weeks LDOE Unit 4: Ecosystems Part B 7.5 weeks STPSB Unit: Sexual Education Unit 8 days New curriculum this year: student driven learning, lot of classroom discussions on a lot of different subjects, I am more of a facilitator and observer to the discussions
Grading policy CLASSWORK: 80% EXAM: 20% Class Assignments Semester Exam Homework Projects Tests Quizzes
Homework policy Any work not completed in class turns into homework due the following day unless specified otherwise
Discipline policy 1st minor offence: Conference with student 2nd minor offence: Email/Phone call home 3rd minor offence: Disciplinarian contact
Makeup work Absent work is YOUR responsibility, even notes! First place to check is the wall calendar to see what you missed If there were any handouts from the day you missed, you can find them in the black absent bin on the shelves I will do my best to upload all assignments onto Moodle If you are absent you have as many days as you were absent to make up the work, this includes assignments, quizzes, & tests If you had prior knowledge of an assignment, quiz or test and were present for the day the project was assigned, you still have the same due date as the rest of the class If you fail to make up your work in this timely manner, your grade will go from an “0 X” to a “0 F”. KEY POINT: I will NOT hunt you down to get your makeup work done, it is up to you! Must be an EXCUSED absence to make up work
Moodle/Teacher website I update Moodle/Teacher Website frequently with assignments and slides from the day Anything your students need/miss in class can be found there. If they lose their copy I give them in class, it is their responsibility to replace it by printing it out from Moodle
Parent contact Email me! Best/fastest way to get in contact If you would like to meet, call student services to set up a conference
Questions?! Any additional questions we don’t have time to answer please email me!