Good behaviour – a rainbow that colours our life BY 2B
Popoular knowledge often expressed itself through centuries by proverbs. There are plenty of them, for several aspects of human experience: of course some of them are about good and bad behaviour.
We have gathered a lot of information by asking our parents and grandparents, reading books and surfing the internet. This way we’ve collected a large amount of material.
Working in class we’ve chosen the most significant proverbs and we’ve explained them.
To illustrate the proverbs we have created some pictures and we have written some stories.
We have prepared posters with our drawings. They are nice, aren’t they?
Then we’ve voted for the most beautyful story and we’ve written a storyboard based on the story.
We’ve made a lot of preparations and rehersals to get ready for the shooting!
Finally we’ve shooted our sketch about the proverb:
However famous and important you may be, without good manners you are merely an ass!
Welcome everybody and enjoy the show!