Fig. 7. A putative model for primarily describing the influence of external factors on the morphogenetic process of natural colonies of N. flagelliforme.


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Fig. 7. A putative model for primarily describing the influence of external factors on the morphogenetic process of natural colonies of N. flagelliforme. A putative model for primarily describing the influence of external factors on the morphogenetic process of natural colonies of N. flagelliforme. In the long-term evolution, trichomes (green lines) posses a weakly genetic Z-like elongation. The EPS acts as a basal barrier factor that potentially leads to the bending of the elongating trichomes, whereas environmental stress-related very low growth is conducive to their straight elongation. Periodic shrinking of the colony also contributes to the morphological re-modulation of trichomes. However, in relatively favourable environments, rapid growth leads to the increased bending of trichomes and the formation of a strip-like colony or even colony rupture. Lijuan Cui et al. Biology Open 2017;6:1329-1335 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd