Group 1: Continuing professional development Skills, knowledge and capability needed to maximize use of best practices Strengthening gender and diversity analysis Market research methods (visioning) IP/seed distribution management Entrepreneur skills to start breeding orgs 1 Developing methodology to create compelling investment cases and grant proposals for business, government and donor investment and collaboration Development of business plans How to do a business proposal 2 Instutionalization of DLB Curriculum tailoring, Content provision Dissemination of content 4
Stanley, Clare, Steven, JC, Siddique Group 2: Continuing professional development Prioritization of activities for Phase 2 Stanley, Clare, Steven, JC, Siddique
Strategic priority I. Skills, Knowledge and capability needed to maximize use of best practices Follow up alumni to help in moving forward the concept Identify the gaps and limiting factors to conduct DLB Strengthen the capacity of existing alumni Adapt the training based on gaps identified by alumni and new (re-design course based on need)
Strategic priority 2. Identification of gaps and issues Greater emphasis in entrepreneurial skills development Emphasis on project development and management skills Creation of tailored courses with a bias on private sector Emphasis on IP and start up seed businesses
Strategic priority 3. Strengthening gender and diversity in training module Ensure that trainees are gender responsive (redesign current module to be gender responsive) Gender balance (diversity, equity and inclusiveness) in selection of trainers Invest in people with gender skills to help in having gender responsive Demand led breeding
Strategic priority 4. Methodology to create compelling investment cases and grant proposal for business Project management Fundraising
Operational priority: Tailored curriculum and Dissemination of content Operational priority: Cross cutting and should go and in hand with the priority
Additional Strategic Priority: Institutionalization of DLB Buy-in from key institutions Communication of DLB to institution heads (NARS) so it is mainstreamed Engagement with government and key players
Group 3: DLB continuing professional development Ideas for activities in Phase 2 Market research to build very effective breeding program Mainstreaming Gender concept in DLB module and training More evidence base materials (like case studies.. ) needed and share among multi-institution Develop innovative variety licensing guidelines Develop tailored curriculum and content provision-Continue to improve capacity of DLB team members and transfer the knowledge and experience to target researcher and also to future breeders Continue in implementing DLB based on the identified products (variety development) Developing methodologies to create compelling investment cases and grant proposals
GROUP 4: Ideas for continuing professional development Activities in Phase 2 Building leadership of the DLB initiative from individual DLB alumni Linking relevant institutions to individual DLB alumni Research and development managers of institutions/companies to be trained/exposed to DLB Building the business case using local expertise Build on local entrepreneurship Build commodities based breeding consortium with interdisciplinary team (Bean, Tomato, Maize etc…) Sustainability: Institutionalization, inclusion of a DLB module in the curriculum, interest/convinced private sectors to support DLB, demonstrate evidence of the DLB success story (through case studies), Policy support: develop the private-public partnership, Identify project that can support DLB initiative, define and track the DLB alumini