Evaluating Classifiers for Disease Gene Discovery Lon Turnbull and Kino Coursey lt0013@unt.edu, kino@daxtrom.com University of North Texas
Instructors: Armin Mikler and Kaja Abbas Biocomputing Fall 2005 CSCD 4930.004/CSCE 5933.007 Biol 4930.773/Biol 5905.773 Instructors: Armin Mikler and Kaja Abbas
Outline An interesting hypothesis What is a disease gene? Can disease genes be classified using machine learning tools? If so, can we do better? Classifiers + Data Analysis + Conclusions
Hypothesis It has been suggested that the genes which have some relationship to hereditary disease might have common variations in their DNA sequence structure.
What is a disease gene? Any gene that has mutated in such a way that the proteins created from it are dysfunctional.
What is a disease gene? Any gene that has mutated in such a way that the proteins created from it are dysfunctional. However, mutation can happen to any gene, so can one actually search for physical characteristics of a “disease” gene?
Reviewed Paper A research group has used the alternating decision tree algorithm from Weka to test the hypothesis. On average, 70% of the genes marked as disease phenotype were correctly identified with their automatic classifier they called PROSPECTR. They found that about 40% of their chosen features had statistically significant differences.
PROSPECTR results Feature Ratio Gene encodes signal peptide 2.06 Gene Length 1.42 5' CpG islands 1.33 Protein length 1.29 Exon Number 1.25 cDNA length 1.15 Distance to neighboring gene 1.13 3' UTR length 1.09
Can we do better with other methods of classification? Question Can we do better with other methods of classification?
Classification Methods ADTree: alternating decision tree, optimized for two-class problems. J48: a variant of classification 7. Logistic: Linear logistic regression. SMO: Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm for training a support vector classifier. Naïve Bayes: Standard probabilistic Naïve Bayes. Ibk-K: K-nearest neighbor classifier (k=5). PART: Obtains rules from partial decision trees build using C4.5 heuristics.
Test Data A training set that consisted of 1,084 genes known to be associated with a disease and 1,084 genes not known to be associated with genes diseases. A set with 675 disease genes listed in the Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) and 675 genes not known to be involved in disease. A set based on oliongenic disorders. It contained 54 genes known to be associated with an oliongenic disorder and 54 genes not known to be associated with gene diseases.
Classifier interpretation There are four possible results from a classification analysis. They are that a selected gene either: Matches a disease gene. Matches a non disease gene. Is selected to match a disease gene but does not do so. Is selected to match a non-disease gene but does not do so.
Validity The analysis of an independent data set ought to produce similar results to the training set. If not the analysis is suspect.
Validity If the analysis is valid, we would expect that classification using the only the successful subset of features found by the PROSPECTR application would result in an improved solution. The removal of non-relevant features ought to decrease the number of mismatches.
All data analyzed
The Best Classifier Results Percent total corrects Difference with best features J48 88.7 -15.1 PART 80.7 -10.6 ADTree 75.5 -3.1 Ibk-K 75.4 -0.32 Naïve Bayes 73.0 -12.0 SMO 72.3 -6.0 Logistic 70.0 -4.9
Conclusions We have shown that classifier 2, performs better than classifier 1, the one chosen by PROSPECTR method. The features that showed the largest differences in the PROPSPECTR study were most likely a statistical anomaly. It seems that using these machine learning methods to classify disease genes is not very productive. At best it needs to be combined with some other independent method.
References Euan Adie et. al., Speeding disease gene discovery by sequence based candidate prioritization, BMC Bioinformatics 2005, 6:55. Hammond MP, Birney E, Genome information resources - developments at Ensembl. Trends in Genetics 2004, 20:268-272. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/6/55. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?rid=gnd http://www.genetics.med.ed.ac.uk/prospectr/
What causes disease? Causes of disease are a continuum of genetic activity interacting with nongenetic factors. The Metabolic Molecular Basis of Inherited Disease. 8th Ed., Vol 1, Chapter 1. RC 627.8.M47.2001
Weka A collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a data set or called from your own Java code. Contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. Well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes. Is open source software issued under the GNU General Public License.