Grants 101 There’s really three parts to grants: Writing the proposal Managing the grant Evaluation and financial closeout This presentation is on grant writing, with a focus on the CPL program Geared towards non-profits
CPL Grant Writing: Get Organized Start a filing system for grants Pull together the information you’ll need to complete applications for most grant programs: Organization information Financial files Grant program information Funded/unfunded proposals Project notes, ideas, etc. Have both paper and electronic versions This will get you ready for any grant program. Almost all will ask for at least some of this info. Helps get the necessary info all in one place so you can find it easily. Can be notebooks, if you are a notebook person. Need electronic for uploading, paper for attachments or meetings. Need to update yearly, or as things change.
Organization files Current Board of Directors Brief biography Any other affiliations List of current key staff, volunteers May be asked for more information for those working on the grant Policies and procedures: Conflict of Interest policy Purchasing policy/procedures
Why are you asked for this stuff? Board of Directors: Demonstrates the leadership of an organization Indicates ability to successfully complete a grant Staff and volunteers Who they are What they will do on this grant What are their skills and experience Policies: How well you are organized Joe Pyeweed works for XYZ corporation—he won’t let this grant fail!
Conflict of Interest Policy May be actual or perceived Occurs when a person has an actual or apparent duty or loyalty to more than one organization or company, and the competing duties or loyalties may result in actions which are adverse or favorable to one or both parties The policy tells how your organization addresses this
Purchasing policy/procedure How will you purchase goods or services? Open competition Three bids is best method Document if you can’t obtain 3 bids All are bidding on the same thing All costs and prices are reasonable Don’t purchase unnecessary things Document purchasing decisions Bids should be apples to apples—same specs for everyone No bids are ok—document that you couldn’t find a 3rd bidder Might want to write this out as a policy or procedure – can send it off to grantor if requested –demonstrates good mgmt Be sure to document this- more files!
Financial documents for CPL Grants Non-profit documentation- if awarded Tax-exempt documentation- if awarded IRS Form 990- for application Recent financial audit- for application Board-reviewed financial statements Annual budget- may be requested Check with your accountant on these! Also have MN Revenue ST-3 to give to vendors. Is proof of tax exempt status
What do these show? Your fiscal capacity Your fiscal skills Can you manage a $5,000 grant? How about $400,000? Do you have the necessary cash flow? Your fiscal skills Do you follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles? Can you meet the grant reporting requirements? Non-profit status Previous grant experience Fiscal capacity = cash flow Fiscal skills = money management, reporting, etc. Do you have an accountant or someone knowledgeable for questions? Do you follow generally accepted accounting principles? Can you pay invoices within 30 days? Do you need to take out a loan for cash flow for the grant?
Grant program files Have a file for each program, for each year Grant announcements or RFPs Program Manuals, Payment Manuals Any other documents or instructions Enabling legislation (for gov’t grants) Staff contact information More files to set up…. Separate one for each program, possibly each year (things change) Electronic and paper
Other files Funded grants: Submitted but not funded applications Grant agreement Payment requests, invoices, etc. Reports Any correspondence Submitted but not funded applications Might be able to resubmit or reuse parts in future grants Evaluate why it wasn’t funded Future project ideas and details Funded grant files will get bigger as you do work Submitted but not funded – parts may be usable again/elsewhere
Make a grant calendar CPL program timeline Deadlines for funded grants RFP release and deadline likely to remain the same Anticipate the dates – plan ahead so you’re ready Deadlines for funded grants Annual reports Payment requests End dates – when must work be complete? Work backwards from these deadlines to avoid last-minute rush Ask for help early (DNR staff, reviewers, etc.) Do the same for other grant programs Other grant programs are also generally on a regular schedule – you can make a calendar for those too If you need input or info from someone else, ask for it early. They may be busy or out of town. Calendars can be paper, or Google—allows others to access it
Thinking about applying? What does your organization want to do? What are you good at? What are you currently capable of doing? Does someone have time to figure out the project, write the proposal, and manage it? What about all the requirements, deadlines, reports, etc? Your grant may last several years – can someone to work on it that long?
If you are new to grants… Start with a small grant that you can complete quickly Gets your feet wet Helps build a successful track record Try enhancement or restoration Acquisition can be tricky and time consuming So can Public Waters projects
Selecting a grant program Every program has a different mission/goal Need to make sure your project matches the grant program’s goals Legacy funds: Outdoor heritage –habitat Clean water –clean water Parks and Trails – parks and trails Arts - arts Some programs may change focus from year to year Now that you’ve got files set up, how do you start
Review past applications What has the program funded in the past? For CPL: Look at the FY 2010 page Shows all applications Funded Unfunded Which ones do you think are good applications? Why?
Grant Applications: Paper or electronic submission? CPL is online only. No email submission of applications or materials accepted Can create account without starting application, and practice Does not follow traditional paper grant formats, but the elements are there The mapping tool creates equality in maps for all applicants
Completing CPL text boxes Can use CPL Application Template to draft your answers Located on the How to Apply page Below Application system button Shows text boxes only from Application System Proof read, spell check, and character count each section Copy and paste into application
Other tips: Independent review Have someone read your proposal Have them tell you…. What you are applying for Why you are applying How you are going to manage the project How you are going to pay for it Does the proposal make sense?
Submit early If requested, CPL staff may have time to look at it and review requirements You might realize an error that you might be able to have corrected Might avoid electronic system overload Builds credibility Give yourself a night to sleep on it before submitting Don’t have to worry about a storm taking out your power at 4 pm on the last day….. Builds credibility – shows you have a strategy, not just a last minute request
What makes a good proposal? Logical, clear, orderly Easy to read, good grammar, proper spelling The grant reviewer can determine what you are trying to accomplish Match the funding source Meet all program requirements Match the funding source—as discussed earlier.
Didn’t score well? Not enough information to score based on criteria Project not thought out well Budget didn’t line up with activities Missing Project Review and Approval Forms Agency didn’t agree with proposal Questionable if it was really habitat work Is it water quality? Is it recreation? Based on last year’s CPL applications
After you’re funded: CPL grants Will need to update your application with any changes Need to submit proof of insurance if working on DNR land Need to get you into the state accounting system Need state and federal tax ID numbers Contact information Need to draft the grant agreement
Grant signature process Encumber: Tying up the grant funds in the state accounting system. The first step in getting the grant agreement signed. Grantee signs and returns all copies Execute: When the last signature is obtained. Work may not begin until all signatures are obtained. Working on electronic process to make this faster.
Payment and documentation Look at the FY 10 page to see what is required for payment See what is required for other documentation Timelines for payment and documentation FY11 will be similar
After the you get the grant… Now you need to manage the grant – get the work done You must also report on your work Evaluation: Did you do what you said you’d do? Did it work? Financial reports All bills paid? Everything spent properly?
Remember to… Keep good documentation Keep in touch with grant program staff Any problems or questions Good news too! Any press releases, media coverage, etc. Meet deadlines If you can’t, let staff know why