SILC implementing regulation Overview and main text


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Presentation transcript:

SILC implementing regulation Overview and main text Item 2.2 SILC implementing regulation Overview and main text WORKING GROUP ON LIVING CONDITIONS/ ILC 7-8 November 2018

3 main steps or packages for implementation of the whole cycle of the SILC 1st (implementation in 2021) covering: nucleus, 3 yearly module on children, new policy needs module on living arrangements and conditions of children within separated or recomposed families. to be defined for the approval in 2019 for implementation in 2021

3 main steps or packages for implementation of the whole cycle of the SILC 2nd covering 3-yearly module on health, 6 yearly module on quality of life (implementation in 2022) 3 yearly module on labour & housing conditions, 6 yearly module on Intergenerational transmission of disadvantages and housing difficulties as well as a short ad hoc module on new policy needs (implementation in 2023), The work will start in 2019 for defining legal acts to be approved in 2020

3 main steps or packages for implementation of the whole cycle of the SILC 3rd covering 6-yearly module on access to services (implementation in 2024) 6-yearly module on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth (implementation in 2026) new policy needs ad hoc module (implementation in 2025) The work will start in 2021.

How the whole cycle will be achieved the list of variables (including delegated act) will be amended to get consolidated list of variables to be collected in SILC at the end of the process the periodicity defined by separate act (planning) The ad hoc modules on new policy needs as a separate implementation path but discussed with rolling modules to avoid duplication and increase complementarity of the variables.

REGULATION Main text (now) Annex 1-definitions (point 2.3 of the agenda), Annex 2-characteristics of variables (points 2.4, 2.5- flags and 2.6 -proxies) Annex 3-quality reports (point 2.7) Annex 4- technical aspects of the fieldwork, now called: Codification of household and persons (point 2.8)

Article 2 Definitions f) ‘longitudinal data’: means the data pertaining to given subsequent reference periods, observed yearly over certain duration on the same observation unit; on the same observation unit added not to sound like time series

Article 2 Definitions (i) 'sample persons' means members of the household in the initial sample aged at least 16 years minus half of duration of a panel (if applicable rounded upwards); If a household member aged 14 or 15 moves with another sample person, he/she will be traced even if he/she is defined as a co-resident. Therefore, lowering the age for the sample person is beneficial for keeping in the sample people who were 14 or 15 in the first wave of the survey and left the household without a sample person. The calculation for last available full panel shows only 1 such case in the EU. This means that the rule is either not followed or checked already, even if still legally required or the phenomenon is marginal. Country Year Count PT 2014 1 RS 2014 4 RS 2015 3 RS 2016 1 For me …How about selected respondents. Are they sample persons?

Article 2 Definitions (k) ‘selected respondent model' means a particular way of sampling that is based on individuals (aged at least 16 years minus half of duration of a panel -if applicable rounded upwards). The household to which the selected respondent belongs is the sample household. Comments: The age limit for a selected respondent who is considered a sample person in the selected respondent model was removed following the changes in the definition (i). The consequences of the change will be assessed together with the discussion on the tracing rules for those countries.

sample person = selected respondent Doc sample person = selected respondent Doc. 65 says: It is consequently recommended by Eurostat, for countries using a sample of persons (register countries) to select a sample of persons aged 14+ in case of a four-year panel and to bring their household into the sample: The selected persons aged 14+ (i.e. the selected respondents) are the only ones to be followed up if they move.

Given the limit 14+ will become now 16+ What will be the consequences for the quality in the SR countries? Shall we target establishing requirement of systematic oversampling of the people 16 years old to compensate for the loss of young in the waves 2-4 caused by not following the whole initial HH and abandoning the 14 as lower limit for sample person(=selected respondent)? Coming back to the discussion on tracing rules for the SR countries, what should be strategies?

Article 2 Definitions (w) 'household respondent' is the person from whom household-level information is obtained. The definition of household respondent is added as the Annex 2 will define the variables to be collected from household respondent. The rules for identifying the household respondent in the first and following waves of the survey were removed from the Annex 4 of the regulation and will be in the guidelines.

(v) 'rotational panel scheme' refers to sample selection which is based on a fixed number of sub-samples, called replications, each representative of the target population at the time of their selection. Each year, one sub-sample rotates out and a new one is drawn as a substitute. (x) 'panel' refers to a subsample observed over more than one year Rotational panel scheme defined as used in the text and to differentiate with panel. (the panel=rotational scheme previously)

Article 3 Characteristics of variables 2 Article 3 Characteristics of variables 2. The list characteristics of variables that are defined in the delegated acts according to the provisions of Article 5a of…IESS and households, based on data at individual level and collected according to the delegated acts adopted under provisions of the Article 4 of the IESS, to be covered every year together with their codification, and reference period and the characteristics of the population their concern is are laid down in Annex 2 of the regulation. IESS is there just to be simpler for the presentation and differentiate from Regulation (IESS) and regulation (SILC). Article 5a is about delegated act for the list of variables. Art 4 is about multiannual planning

Article 3 Characteristics of variables 3 Article 3 Characteristics of variables 3. The variables that for which missing values are not allowed and shall be imputed and the variables that cannot be asked by proxies shall be imputed or cannot be asked by proxies are identified in the Annex 2. 4. All household and personal data shall be linkable over the whole duration of the panel, both for the cross sectional and longitudinal information. So far some countries were delivering the longitudinal information based on different sample than cross-sectional (two different surveys were used). No linking between the two was possible. Therefore the new element for linkage was added as for the modular SILC the practice described will not be appropriate.

Article 4 Statistical populations, observation unit and mode of collection 2. The information required at the household level and the I individual level information is collected for all the sample persons and co-residents aged 16 and more as well as other household members as required in the Annex 2. In the selected respondent model only selected respondents aged 16 and more are subject to collection of data by interview at individual level. Redaction change

Article 4 Statistical populations, observation unit and mode of collection 2. Where a sample person is in the survey for more than one year, For a sample person, starting from the second wave, information shall be obtained on whether that person remained at the same address or moved to a different address from one year to the next. Redaction change

Statistical populations, observation unit and mode of collection Article 4 Statistical populations, observation unit and mode of collection The information required at the household level and at the individual level for current household members, and the information on household members in the previous wave that are no longer household members as well as mode of collection is set out in Annex 2. 3. Information on household members in the previous wave that are no longer household members shall be collected in order to establish if the person is deceased, moved abroad or to an institution or moved to a different address within the national territory. Now par 3

Article 4 Statistical populations, observation unit and mode of collection 54. In the initial household, the full information required for current household members and the full household level information as well as technical items shall be collected., demography and main activity status information on household members in the previous wave that are no longer household members shall be collected. Following conclusions of the WG meeting in June 2018 the information about non-current household members and former household members (as defined in the legislation currently in force) is not to be collected. The information for the split off HH is defined in the par. 6. (full information for current HH members and full HH level information.

Article 5 Reference periods and dates 1 Article 5 Reference periods and dates 1. The income reference period shall be a 12-month period, such as previous calendar or tax year. 2. The other reference periods for non-income variables are specified in the Annex 2. Comment: Par 2 was added as in the Annex 2 reference periods for each variable will be defined.

Article 6 Sample characteristics 2 Article 6 Sample characteristics 2. In the first year of each replication controlled substitutions may be allowed only where the response rate falls below 60 % and one of the following situations arises: — address non-contacted because it cannot be located or is inaccessible, — address contacted but interview not completed because the household refuses to cooperate, the whole household is temporarily away or the household is unable to respond.

Article 6 Sample characteristics 3 Article 6 Sample characteristics 3. The set of households or individuals for substitution shall be defined prior to data collection. … 5. A household shall not be substituted by another non-sample household at the same address not belonging to the set of households for substitution. Ad 5. This paragraph refers to ad hoc substitutions that are forbidden if the set of households for substitution and the appropriate procedures are not defined in advanced. The address is of no importance in case the two parallel samples are defined with other characteristics (e.g. phone number).

French Overseas Departments and territories Article 6 Sample characteristics 6. Small parts of the national territory amounting to no more than 2 % of the national population and the national territories identified in Table 1 may be excluded from EU-SILC, after agreement of the Commission (Eurostat). Both exclusions cannot take place for the same country simultaneously. Country Territories France French Overseas Departments and territories Croatia All islands with the exception Krk, Pag, Murter, Čiovo and Vir Comment: The exclusion of some remote areas that are difficult to be accessed for interviews is a traditional practice that is subject of a current legislation already. Par 6 defines total size of the population that can be excluded from a survey. Table 1 adds specific territories that amount for more than 2% of the national population and therefore need to be specified as do not fall under par.6. For Ireland a calculation of the size of population excluded from the survey is lower that 2% therefore this exclusion is granted based on the par 6 or the article 6. No specific list is needed in addition.

Article 9 Data editing, imputation and estimation 1 Article 9 Data editing, imputation and estimation 1. Imputation and modelling (which may be used in combination) could be applied to the data. 2. Where non-response to income variables at component level results missing data, appropriate methods of statistical imputation shall be applied. 3. Where any gross income variable at component level is collected directly from the respondent, appropriate methods of statistical imputation and/or modelling shall be applied to obtain the required target variables. Comment: more details on the variables that cannot be missing and should be imputed was added following practice already taking place. (old legislation in force)

Article 9 Data editing, imputation and estimation 4 Article 9 Data editing, imputation and estimation 4. When non-response to an individual questionnaire occurs within a sample household, appropriate statistical procedures for weighting or imputation shall be used to estimate the total income of the household. Comment: more details on the variables that cannot be missing and should be imputed was added following practice already taking place.

Standards for transmission and exchange of information Article 10 Standards for transmission and exchange of information 2. Member States shall annually transmit not only the rotational subsample up to given year with a full rotational scheme duration to the Commission (Eurostat), but also the current rotational subsamples with shorter durations (three, two and one years for Member States implementing four years rotational scheme and five, four, three, two and one year for Member States implementing rotational scheme of a duration of six years). Comment: This paragraph was added to maintain the currect practice of transmission of the data for the panels that are not yet of a complete duration.

Standards for transmission and exchange of information Article 10 Standards for transmission and exchange of information Member States implementing rotational scheme of duration longer than six years shall transmit the rotational subsample up to the six years. All the subsamples shall be transmitted together. Comment: This paragraph was added to maintain the currect practice of transmission of the data for the panels that are not yet of a complete duration.