Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month PEAT Talks: Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month Speaker: Maria Town, Senior Associate Director for the White House Office of Public Engagement {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
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Question 1 In what ways does the White House honor National Disability Employment Awareness Month? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
Question 2 What advice would you give employees or employers who are working on making a business case for integrating accessible technology into a workplace? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
Question 3 From what you’ve noticed as a White House employee, how is accessible technology incorporated into the workplace there? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
Question 4 Can you share with us some of the key initiatives and policies that the current administration has worked on to improve technology accessibility in all workplaces? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
Question 5 What do you envision in regard to future White House initiatives to ensure accessible technology can be found within every workplace in America? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
Question 6 What can employees with disabilities, employees, and accessible technology experts do to ensure that the White House continues to make accessible technology in the workplace a priority? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
Question 7 What is the number one obstacle to full implementation of workplace technology? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
Question 8 What is the best way we can raise awareness of the need for accessible workplace technology? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}
Thank you for joining! Question 8 Please join us for next month’s PEAT Talks: Fostering a Culture of Inclusion and Accessibility in the Workplace 11/17, 2:00 pm ET Speaker: Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Microsoft. {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology}