Chapter 11 Section 5 Imperialism in Southeast Asia Objective: Critique how imperialism affected Southeast Asia Vocabulary: Pacific Rim, King Mongkut, Emilio Aguinaldo, Annexation, & Queen Liliuokalani New: Why do you think the United States delayed imperializing other countries? (Explain your reasoning) Review: Define Geopolitics. What was the Suez Canal? Define Raj.
Setting the Stage Pacific Rim: the lands surrounding the Pacific Ocean – especially those in Asia Western nations desired the Pacific Rim lands for their strategic location along the sea route to China Westerners also recognized the value of the Pacific colonies as sources of tropical agriculture, minerals, & oil What is the term for taking over a place based on their strategic location?
European Powers Invade the Pacific Rim The British established a major trading port at Singapore The French claimed Indochina on the Southeast mainland The Germans took control of the Marshall Islands, parts of New Guinea, & the Soloman Islands The lands of Southeast Asia were perfect for plantation agriculture They produced sugar cane, coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconuts, bananas, & pineapple
Dutch Expand Control The Dutch East India Company actively sought lands in Southeast Asia The discovery of oil & tin in Indonesia caused the Dutch to take over the entire island chain, calling them the Dutch East Indies The Dutch sought to make a home in Indonesia However, when they moved to Indonesia it caused the creation of a rigid social class system They will fight the British for control of some of the islands
Check for Understanding Why would oil be important to the Europeans? (Hint: think of the Industrial Revolution) Sentence Starter: Oil is important to the Europeans because ____________________.
British Take the Malayan Peninsula The British sought a trading base that would serve as a stop for their ships They found a large, sheltered harbor on Singapore Today Singapore is still one of the world’s busiest ports Britain gained colonies in Singapore, Malaysia, & Burma Britain encouraged Chinese to immigrate to Malaysia causing conflict between native Malays What was the name of the canal in Egypt, it made trade faster & easier to deliver goods from Southeast Asia to Europe. What was the name of the canal? Suez canal will help to make it a busy port
French Control Indochina Napoleon III ordered the French army to invade southern Vietnam after seven French missionaries were killed French added Laos, Cambodia, & all of Vietnam as colonies France used a direct colonial management in the region Roads, harbors, & rail systems improved communication & transportation in the region It became a melting pot of cultures & religions
Check for Understanding When the French used direct colonial management in Vietnam; who is in charge? Explain. Local Rulers The French Sentence Starter: The ______ are in charge in Vietnam with direct control because _________.
Siam Remains Independent Siam (Thailand) maintained its independence throughout the colonial period Siamese kings promoted Siam as a neutral zone between the French & the British Siam modernized under the guidance of King Mongkut Siam started schools, reformed the legal system, & reorganized the government They played the British & the French against each other. Which leader is this similar to that we learned about in Africa?
U.S. Imperialism in the Pacific Islands Because Americans had fought for their independence from Britain, most Americans disliked the idea of colonizing other nations Others believed the United States should fulfill its destiny as a world power and colonize like the Europeans Businesses welcomed the opening of new markets & trade possibilities
The Philippines Change Hands The United States acquired the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, & Guam as a result of the Spanish-America War in 1898 Filipino nationalists were not happy to trade one colonizer (the Spanish) for another (the Americans) Emilio Aguinaldo the leader of the Filipino nationalists & claimed that the U.S. had promised immediate independence The U.S. defeated the nationalist but promised they would prepare them for self-rule President McKinley said his goal was to educate Filipinos, & uplift & Christianize them
Hawaii Becomes a Republic The United States viewed Hawaii as a port on the way to China & East India American sugar plantations accounted for 75% of Hawaii’s wealth U.S. business leaders pushed for an annexation of Hawaii (adding the territory; to the United States) Queen Liliuokalani was removed from power in 1893 In 1898, the Republic of Hawaii was annexed by the United States McKinley Tariff Act of 1890 made sugar coming from Hawaii just as expensive as sugar from other places, they were taking a hit in their prices since they had to pay a tax to import the products