O Lord, my earnest cry thy listening ear has heard


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Presentation transcript:

O Lord, my earnest cry thy listening ear has heard O Lord, my earnest cry thy listening ear has heard. With thy salvation answer me, and I will keep thy word. At early dawn I prayed, thy promises my trust. At night I thought upon thy word, most holy and most just. [Sing to the Lord 119:145-152]

The wicked plan to do me harm, but they are far from thee. 2. O hear me in thy grace, in mercy quicken me. The wicked plan to do me harm, but they are far from thee. Thou, Lord, art near to me, and true are thy commands. Of old thy testimonies show thy truth eternal stands. Sing to the Lord 119:145-152 Public domain Text: Psalter Hymnal, 1957 Tune: George William Martin, 1862; harm. Arthur S. Sullivan, 1874