EndNote Part 2: Inserting in-text citations and creating a reference list Susan Marsh
The Endnote add-in appears in word after installation of the endnote software
Open your Word document and open the EndNote tab
Select the referencing style of your choice and make sure “Instant formatting” is turned on
2. Click on “Go to EndNote” to start the Cite-While-You- Write process 1. Place your cursor in the document where you want your in-text citation to appear
Make sure the correct style is selected Insert citation icon Highlight the desired reference in your library and click on the “Insert citation” icon
The reference has been inserted and reference list started in the Harvard style
If you have a direct quotation and need to add the page number to your citation….. Right click on you in-text citation
Go to “Edit citation” and click on “More”
Type the page number as you would like it to appear in your text in the suffix field Type in the page number and choose OK
The added page number is reflected in your text
For more style options, use the drop-down menu For more style options, use the drop-down menu. Choose “select another style” for a more comprehensive list
To download more styles, go to endnote.com/downloads/styles Click on download and save the Style in your Endnote folder on your computer
You can edit an existing style to suit your preferences
Write-N-Cite Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions susan.marsh@up.ac.za