Write a Thesis About Anything! The Sheridan Baker Thesis Machine
What is a thesis machine? The thesis machine is a step by step process for creating a thesis statement. The thesis machine was developed by Sheridan Baker, a professor at the University of Michigan. It was included in his popular composition textbook, The Practical Stylist (1962).
K & W What do we know about thesis statements? 1. 2. 3. What do we want to know about thesis statements? 1. 2. 3.
State the Topic Decide what the general topic of your essay will be. Remember that topic is general, and should only be a single word or term. Sample topics: College Athletes Cell Phones Make sure the topic is not too broad or too narrow for the scope of your essay
2. State the specific issue in the form of a debate position. The issue is your main idea, or what you will argue about the topic. College athletes should be paid a minimum wage. Cell phones are imperative to every college student’s learning experience. What do you notice about the choice of verbs and qualifiers?
3. Use a because clause to provide rationale for your position After brainstorming reasons for your position, summarize and include them in a because clause. College athletes should be paid a minimum wage because sports bring revenue to the college. Cell phones are imperative to every college student’s learning experience because the use of technology is a key to career preparation. What are three supporting ideas for either of these?
How could a student vary the opening of their thesis? 4. Refine the thesis by adding qualifications and removing the because clause Acknowledge that there is a counterargument about your issue and reword your because clause to be more assertive. Although student athletes often receive scholarships, they should be paid a minimum wage to compensate for the money the college earns through their athletic performances. Although the use of cell phones often poses a risk for academic dishonesty or distraction, they are ultimately imperative for facilitating student learning, especially career preparation, in the college classroom. How could a student vary the opening of their thesis?
5. Test your belief in the position by reversing it. If you believe in the reverse, it is time to revise your position! Scholarships for college athletes are sufficient reimbursement for the revenue they generate for the college. The use of cellphones in the college classroom negatively impacts the student learning experience.
Why does this help? This method of generating a thesis can help you explore and summarize your reasons for your position. It can also help you decide whether or not you agree with your position.
Does it work all the time?
The Sheridan Baker Thesis Machine will help you generate a thesis if you are struggling, but once you get comfortable with your own writing style, you should try crafting theses that are worded differently. However, do not forget the important elements of a topic, positions, and qualifiers.
L What are three things we learned about the thesis statement? 1. 2. 3.
Ok, but that doesn’t answer my question: Does it work all the time?
I think so, but let’s find out: Can YOU make a thesis out of ANYTHING?