Colorado’s Forest Action Plan Mike Lester, State Forester and Director


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Presentation transcript:

Colorado’s Forest Action Plan Mike Lester, State Forester and Director January 31, 2017

Agenda Background and Forest Action Plan Guidance Colorado’s Forest Action Plan (FAP) Components of Colorado’s FAP Assessing Colorado’s Forests and Threats Colorado’s Overarching Strategies FAP in Progress: Collaborative Projects Working Together - Possibilities Dialogue and Questions

National Background Forest Action Plans: first strategic plan for US forests Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (the 2008 Farm Bill) Congress tasked states and territories with assessing forests and developing strategies to address threats and improve forest health

FAP Guidance Describe conditions and trends Identify priority landscape areas Develop practical, 10-year plans Informs investment by governmental and other resources to achieve national conservation goals Approach varies based on needs of state / territory

Visit Colorado’s FAP Developed via direction from USFS and NASF First CO geospatial assessment published in 2009; in-person input solicited from stakeholders in 2014; next version 2019 Visit

Components of Colorado’s FAP

Assessing Colorado’s Forests Process utilized and people engaged Brief history of forest uses Forest types and ownership Conditions, trends and priority landscapes State maps of priority areas by themes Conserve Working Forest Landscapes Protect Forests from Harm Enhance Public Benefits from Trees and Forests

Threats to Colorado’s Forests Forest fragmentation Decline of forest products businesses Insects and diseases Wildfire Climatic impacts on resiliency and adaptability Watershed risks Decline of riparian eco-systems Air quality issues

CO’s 10 Overarching Strategies Manage forests according to appropriate science-based information Actively manage forests to improve resiliency and adaptability Develop a strategic marketing and communications plan Foster a viable forest products industry Collaborate management across ownerships

Additional Strategies Use the assessment to support forest management Focus efforts to leverage resources Work with neighboring states to conserve working forest lands Restore ecosystem function at appropriate scale Reduce process impediments

FAP in Progress: Collaboration with Conservation Districts State forestry partnerships with conservation districts allow use of our respective assets to enhance the quality of service and support available to landowners. Examples: Conservation efforts using CSFS Nursery stock Upper South Platte Partnership $3.25 million NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership (RCPP) Grant

Trees, shrubs and perennials grown by CSFS Reforest burned & flooded areas Stabilize soil & control erosion Enhance habitats Create shelterbelts Recent partnerships with CDs: Colorado (28), Wyoming (28), Texas (23) Oklahoma (7), Nebraska (2), New Mexico (2)

Upper S Platte Partnership Five year collaboration of 10 entities (NRCS, CSFS, Jefferson Conservation District, USFS, national and local non-profits, water providers and university centers) In a high-priority watershed along populated Denver’s Front Range Fosters proactive forest management by private landowners to accomplish personal goals and contribute to watershed restoration

San Juan – Rio Chama RCPP Grant To protect water diversion structures / tunnels carrying runoff 26 miles across the Continental Divide (Colorado and New Mexico) East Rio Arriba Soil and Water Conservation District plus 21 Initial Partners (including CSFS)  Complement recent diversion structures with additional forest health and watershed treatments Increases the resiliency of the landscape to withstand drought, wildfire and climate change

Working together to make a coordinated impact on the landscape and in our communities Integrate skills and knowledge to enhance technical assistance provided to landowners Provide common understanding and messaging regarding conservation practices and priorities Leverage our joint resources and expertise to make a more profound impact on our mountains, plains, riparian areas and urban forests.

Possibilities Joint landowner education programs Intermittent program updates – invite your local forester to board meetings State Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee State Technical Committee Collaborative and partnership groups Community Tree Boards Watershed Protection Groups Wildfire Councils

Dialogue and Questions