Living in classical rome
Circus maximus The Circus Maximus was really only significant to some of the rich people who would attend it. It held chariot races, as well as other forms of entertainment, save gladiator matches, which were held in the colosseum. The first time I ever attended Circus Maximus, My parents took me to see a chariot race. it was the most epic chariot race I ever saw! It was pretty cool, and for the rest of my youth I dreamed of being a chariot racer.
Colosseum The Colosseum was a very influential structure to later buildings in the 19th century. It was used to host gladiator fights, and sometimes executions. The first time I ever attended the Colosseum, there was a gladiator match happening. It involved three men and two lions, and was very bloody. I couldn’t bear to watch.
Forum The Roman forum was the center of life in Rome. it consisted of many different buildings, and included a marketplace. It was used to hold processions, public meetings, and elections. I have been to the Roman forum many times, but one such time impacted me the most. I went there to see a procession, and it happened to be the inauguration of the new emperor! It was a great experience.