Data Coordinators Meeting March 11, 2019
Agenda Assessments State Reporting Regents, LOTE 3-year Standard Trend Report 3-8- Paper-based and CBT
Suspension Data & ESSA Accountability Status Beginning with 2018-19 results, a Level 1-4 will be reported for each accountability group on the Out-of-School Suspension indicator. Out-of-school suspension rate is calculated by dividing the number of students who were suspended from school (not including in-school suspensions) for one full day or longer anytime during the school by the number of students enrolled on BEDS day of that school year. A student is counted only once, regardless of whether the student was suspended one or more times during the school year. Students who are suspended for a half day should NOT be reported as suspended for that day.
State Reporting – Student Data BEDS Day Data Extract – March 22 BEDS Day Enrollment Enrollment by grade, DOR, Pre-K and supplemental enrollment counts Program Service Codes: 902, 990, and UPK Setting code BEDS Day Immigrant Student Counts Program Service Code: 8282 BEDS Day FRPL Program Service Codes: 5817, 5806 & 0198 BEDS Day ELL Counts – March/April Counts of ELL Eligible Students Program Service Code: 0231
State Reporting – Staff Data 2018-2019 TSDL data due Thursday, June 13 Grades 3-8 ELA/Math and Math Regents course rosters Staff Snapshot & Staff-Student-Course SIRS-315 TSDL Verification Report Teachers need to verify course rosters in Teacher Access & Authorization (TAA) Certification Friday, June 21 2018-2019 Staff Assignment data due Thursday, June 13 Principals only Staff Snapshot & Staff Assignment SIRS-318 Staff Assignment Verification Report Certification Friday, June, 21
Regents Data Warehouse June 2019 Regents Ordering Exams with Office of State Assessment Ordering Preprinted Answer Sheets with MAARS Global History & Geography
LOTE Updates On Regionally Developed Checkpoint A and Checkpoint B exams in French, German and Spanish. Ordering Exams Ordering MAARS Preprinted Answer Sheets
3 Year Standard Trend Report
3 Year Standard Trend Report Video clips located on MAARS Website Data Driven Instruction tab Related Links How to find the 3 Year Standard Trend Report Using the 3 Year Standard Trend Report
3 -8 Paper Based Assessments Answer Sheet Shipping/Availability Dates Districts will be contacted when shipped Charters & Non-public schools will also be contacted when they are ready for pick-up. ELA March 18th Math April 9th NYSESLAT April 22nd Science 4 & 8 May 1st
3 -8 Paper Based Assessments Returning Answer Sheets for Processing Answer Sheet Prep. & Packing: Make sure to follow our answer sheet packing directions (directions sent with your printed answer sheets) Please do not put large envelopes into boxes of answer sheets. Schools whose answer sheets are not packed by the directions: We will contact the school and have them send someone here to MAARS to put them in the order they are needed for processing. Use of Preprinted Blank Answer Sheets: Please make sure to instruct teachers/proctors to write in the student ID number in the appropriate ID number box on both sides of all answer sheet pages.
3 -8 Paper Based Assessments Returning Answer Sheets for Processing (cont.) Answer Sheet Delivery Deadline for Processing: Please Note: This year NYSED ELA deadline for delivering answer sheets to us for processing is April 17th. This deadline happens to be during Spring Recess in which schools are closed. If you will not be working that day or week, your school MUST deliver these answer sheets by end of day Friday, April 12th. Due To MAARS ELA April 17th (April 12th) Math May 16th NYSESLAT May 31st Science 4 & 8 June 14th
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Quick Reminder CBT Proctor Training & Best Practices Webinar (March 15th) Registration Open: 2019 New York State Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Proctor Training & Best Practices Webinar
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Nextera Admin: Students Changes between Districts/Schools (hand entering into Nextera Admin) If you attempt to hand enter a student into Nextera Admin and receive a message stating “student already loaded…” contact us and we can help you to resolve this and get the student entered. Nextera Admin: Student Identification Please remember that both a NYSSIS ID and a Local ID are required for all students. If you need help getting a NYSSIS ID on a student, you can contact us and we will help you get the needed NYSSIS ID.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Nextera Admin: Accommodations Multi-Student Edit: This feature allows you to add accommodations to a group of students at the same time. Note: Multi-Student Edit will override any previously assigned accommodations for the students being edited. If you use this feature, it is recommended to begin with the Multi-Student Edit, then make necessary individual changes to assign accommodations to individual students. It is strongly recommended that you have someone review the accommodations before testing day using the Nextera Admin reports/downloads. Some accommodations could take up to 24 hours before the test system is ready for the student. (For example: changing of a language or text-to-speech.)
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Nextera Admin – TEST tab (drop-down menu) Will be available 2 weeks before the exam testing window, for printing login tickets Documentation: How to Print Student Login Tickets
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Proctor Pins Are a part of the secure materials and should be distributed to each testing classroom with the secure materials packet. (NYSED’s #1 call on questions concerning this topic) These are Building-specific. Proctors within the same school building will use the same Proctor Pin. Do not share proctor pins with students.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Proctor Pins vs Access Codes There has been feedback from schools that the Proctor Pin and Access Code screens/prompts are very similar. NYSED/Questar will look into ways to add a better distinction between these 2 screens for next year. For this year, please make note of the title on each of these screens What may also help is to keep in mind that the Proctor Pin is always required before the Access Code. Also good tip to remember, Proctor Pins are 8 digits and Access Codes are 4 digits.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Quick Note on Highlighters use during testing Students cannot have the highlighter tool enabled and also type in the CR (constructed response) box. If a student is having issues with typing in a CR box, have them check to make sure the highlighter is disabled. NYSED will eventually post a “Proctor Tip” to CBTsupport on this.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Best Practices Best Practices: Computer-Based Testing "Tech Tips" Best Practice: Staggering Student-Testing Start Times Video & Presentation: CBT Best Practices and Tech Tips, 2018 Keep a log of your students and their testing device identification Some schools have their students write the testing device identification on the back of their log-in tickets.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Best Practices (continued) If there is a problem with a student’s device after student starts the test and may need to change devices. (See revised notes below) Before having the student move to a new device, contact Questar. If your school’s technical person & Questar cannot resolve the issue on that device… The student should be able to complete the remainder of the test on another device. However, the student would need to pause/log out of the first device they were working on or they will not be able to log into the second device. Student should be able to complete the remainder of the test on the second device, where he/she had left off. Work with Questar as to how the student’s assessment should be submitted from both devices. Quarantine the student’s original device until Questar and your tech. person can resolve the issue – do not use that device for anything else until the issue has been resolved and the student’s assessment data successfully retrieved and sent to Questar.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments How to handle loss of Internet Connection during testing Student may continue to respond and work on their test. Their responses are stored in the local cache, on the device they are using. If the connection is restored before the student completes the test, the system will restart the “heartbeat” (transmission of responses to the Questar’s system). If connection is not restored, student responses remain on that device. Student can log out of the test but do NOT submit. Once connection is restored the student should log back in on the original device and submit their test. (Note: device should be quarantined until that student’s test responses have been successfully submitted. Do not allow other students to use that device) Do not attempt to submit a test when internet connection is down. If the student has completed their test and there is still no internet connection, have them log out of the test. Quarantine the device You may also want to label that device with the student’s name.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments How to handle loss of Internet Connection at test Submit If a large number of student devices are offline at the end of a test session it is recommended that the devices be labeled with the student name and to keep them connected to power. This will make it easier to track which students need to sign back into which device and submit their test, when the connection is back online. Nextera Setup & Installation Guide
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Reason Not Tested (Not Tested Codes) Can be entered into Nextera Admin before testing, if you know the student will not be taking the CBT test. (Tip) Proctors can use the back of the student login ticket to indicate “Reason Not Tested”. To use as a reference for entering into the Nextera Admin system. On the last day of the testing window… Export the Testing Status Details to be sure every student has either tested all sessions or a Not-Tested code has been assigned This list can also be used to help identify students for makeup tests Please note that if a student is loaded into Nextera Admin but is taking the test via paper answer sheet, you need to enter a not-tested code in both of the student’s test session as “Testing on Paper”. The same must be done for students that are “Taking Regents”. Documentation: How to Set Not Testing Codes
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Communications (before, during and after testing) Strongly recommend that each district/school have at least one person with a login to CBTsupport webpage AND setup as “following” each category in “Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Computer-Based Testing” We will continue to send updates via our Weekly Digest I will be sending out emails, when needed, via an email listServ we have created just for our Operational CBT schools. You know where to find us …. Questions… concerns… need help… Happy Testing!
Next Meeting: Options: 1:30 pm June 6, 2019 (in-person) 1:00 pm June 7, 2019 (remote via Zoom) Thank you for coming!