Teacher Notes Use this template presentation to introduce The Bill of Rights TEKS 5.21 A,B, and C. This template can also be used by students for researching.


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Presentation transcript:

Teacher Notes Use this template presentation to introduce The Bill of Rights TEKS 5.21 A,B, and C. This template can also be used by students for researching information after the lesson has been conducted. This is a template and will require that you insert information. Delete any instructions you do not want to display.

The Bill of Rights What are the Bill of Rights? They are very necessary rules for our country to live by. What are the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. 1 5 9 2 6 10 7 3 8 4

Amendment 1 Text What I conclude Example Basic Freedoms Click here if you want to return to list of amendments.

Amendment 2 Text What I conclude Example Rights to bear arms Click here if you want to return to list of amendments.

Amendment 3 Text What I conclude Example Quartering of soldiers Click here if you want to return to list of amendments.

Amendment 4 Text What I conclude Example Search and arrest Click here if you want to return to list of amendments.

Amendment 5 Text What I conclude Example Rights in criminal cases

Amendment 6 Text What I conclude Example Rights to a fair trial

Amendment 7 Text What I conclude Example Rights in civil cases

Amendment 8 Text What I conclude Example Bail, fines, punishment

Amendment 9 Text What I conclude Example Rights retained by the people

Amendment 10 Text What I conclude Example States’ rights

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