How Well Do You Know Your Directions?
Use this saying to help you remember the Directions on a compass rose
NORTH NORTH is the direction at the top of the compass rose.
SOUTH is the direction at the bottom of the compass rose.
EAST EAST is the direction to the right on the compass rose.
WEST WEST is the direction to the left on the compass rose.
Let’s test your memory
? What direction is pointing toward the ? Click on the correct direction. North ? South East West
? What direction is pointing toward the ? North East Click on the correct direction. South West ?
? What direction is pointing toward the ? North Click on the correct direction. South East West
? What direction is pointing toward the ? North South East West Click on the correct direction.
YES!!! WEST is the direction on the left.
YES!!! SOUTH is the direction at the bottom.
YES!!! NORTH is the direction at the top.
YES!!! EAST is the direction on the right.
SORRY-that answer is wrong. TRY AGAIN!!
SORRY-that answer is wrong. TRY AGAIN!!
SORRY-that answer is wrong. TRY AGAIN!!
SORRY-that answer is wrong. TRY AGAIN!!
Congratulations!!! You know your CARDINAL DIRECTIONS