1. Enigma (noun) a mystery; something that is hard to understand or explain Ex: Dean found Sam’s new behavior enigmatic. (adj)
2. Apathy (noun) lack of emotion or interest Ex: Because she had no destination in mind, Alice was apathetic about which route to take.
3. Candor (noun) frankness; honesty Ex: You are expected to exhibit candor in a court of law.
4. Reticent (adjective) restrained; uncommunicative Ex: Because she is usually quite reticent, everyone was surprised when Padme spoke up during the debate.
5. Aesthetic Adjective: Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste Ex: The aesthetic appeal of the exhibit impressed the professor. Noun: A guiding principle in matters of artistic beauty and taste; artistic sensibility Ex: As an interior designer, she was known for her unusual aesthetic.
6. Ascetic (adjective) without indulgence or luxuries Ex: The girl’s ascetic lifestyle enabled her to appreciate the more important things in life.
7. Autonomy (noun) self-rule; independence Human babies have zero ability for autonomy; they need their parents to survive.
8. Disdain (noun) contempt; scorn The Dallas Cowboys fan felt disdain toward poor Tony Romo after he botched the pass.
9. Innocuous (adjective) harmless; insignificant Though it may seem innocuous, the platypus is actually a poisonous animal.
10. Banal (adjective) commonplace; dull; ordinary Alice dreamed of escape from her very banal daily routine.