Guiding questions to incorporate HR Principles in UN work Understanding Human Rights in Cities - Training Workshop - SESSION 2 HR principles and HRBA (DRAFT) May2015 Guiding questions to incorporate HR Principles in UN work For the specific use of UN Habitat staff 20/04/2015 UN Habitata, Housing Unit, HSUB
Non Discrimination & Equality Does the analysis of data provide any quantitative and qualitative information on population groups that are particularly vulnerable or marginalized? Is statistical data thus disaggregated and analyzed beyond sex and urban/rural along (at least some of the) prohibited grounds of discrimination stated in the ICESCR or in the national Constitution or legislation? Are root causes of these groups’ vulnerability or marginalization being assessed? 20/04/2015
Non Discrimination & Equality Are there laws in the country that are discriminatory? Are there institutional, administrative or regulatory practices that are discriminatory against a particular group of the population? Is there a prevailing culture of “de facto” discrimination in the society? Are there national standards for positive discrimination or affirmative action recognized and applied? 20/04/2015
Participation & Inclusion How is it ensured that at least a representative number of people, incl. from particularly vulnerable groups, are actively and meaningfully involved? How is it ensured that people’s inputs, incl. from particularly vulnerable groups, are considered in findings/decision/etc.? 20/04/2015
Participation & Inclusion Who is not participating and why? What are some obstacles/incentives for participation? Do marginalized groups have access to information and the capacities to participate meaningfully and make specific proposals? Are there spaces for public participation in the decision-making process? 20/04/2015
Accountability & Rule of law Which roles and responsibilities does the applicable administrative or legal framework give to the relevant state authorities? Is official information accessible (including in different languages) and are relevant processes transparent? 20/04/2015
Accountability & Rule of law Do those affected have access to complaint/redress mechanisms? How is implementation monitored to ensure that unintended impacts on target or non-target groups, especially vulnerable and marginalized groups, are detected? 20/04/2015