Activity on Eutrophication ECOSTAT Working Group 4/5 March 2004 Activity on Eutrophication
Introduction Eutrophication activity agreed by WD as follow up of classsification guidance Activity should take a wider view to harmonise across all policy areas but should be firmly based on the WFD Focus should be on assessment for all water categories Discussions on content started mid-2003 involving all relevant working groups (ECOSTAT, EMMA, NiD and UWWD Committees)
Draft Mandate - process First draft in January 2004 Comments from ECOSTAT, EMMA, NiD and UWWD Committee until 20 February 2004 Comments from AT, NL, UK, DE, DK, BE, N, SP, SWE, IRL, EEB/WWF, CEN First Steering Group meeting Draft version 2.0 for discussion in ECOSTAT and SCG Request for principle agreement in SCG with interim mandate Agreement by Water Directors First workshop in September 2004
Deliverables and Step-wise Approach Key output (Working Title): Guidance Document on “Assessment of Eutrophication in European water policy (Principles, criteria, indicators)” Organisation of work: Step 1: Scoping Step 2: Elaboration of more detailed approach in parallel work streams Step 3: Finalisation and compilation
Phasing of work content (I) Phase 1: Identification of scope, key issues Development table of contents of deliverables Overview of how eutrophication is addressed in the WFD and other policies (common understanding) Applicability of OSPAR Comprehensive Procedure to freshwaters/WFD and other marine areas Elaboration of revised conceptual approach on basis of above
Phasing of work content (II) Phase 2: Collation of practical examples and concrete criteria for conceptual framework developed under Phase 1 Toolbox, best practices, R & D and standardisation needs
Phasing of work content (III) Phase 3: Common understanding and guidance on link to other policy areas (UWWT, NiD, Marine) Contribution to monitoring and reporting requirements in order to allow comparable application of conceptual framework
Organisation Steering Group: Chair/Leader of ECOSTAT & EMMA WG, UWWT & NiD Committee Clear criteria for later addition (e.g. chairs of other relevant groups, leader of parallel activity) Technical Secretariat (supporting Steering Group): Consultants: K. Hamill (WRc), K. Pagou (NCMR), A. Lyche Solheim (NIVA)
Eutrophication Steering Group Technical Secretariat Consultation Phase : Main consultation : Information : Potential participants Water Directors Strategic Co- ordination Group Expert Networks Lakes, Rivers, Coast ECOSTAT WG UWWT Committee Ad hoc Workshops NiD Committee Eutrophication Steering Group Technical Secretariat EMMA WG
Eutrophication Steering Group Technical Secretariat Decision Phase : Main consultation : Information : Potential participants Water Directors Strategic Co- ordination Group Expert Networks Lakes, Rivers, Coast ECOSTAT WG UWWT Committee Ad hoc Workshops NiD Committee Eutrophication Steering Group Technical Secretariat EMMA WG
Conclusions Draft mandate widely consulted, can ECOSTAT agree to forward it to SCG? SCG will be requested to give interim mandate so that workshop for September can be prepared, invitations will also be send to ECOSTAT (at least for information) ECOSTAT will be regularly informed about progress, information will be made available on WFD CIRCA soon (e.g. Steering Group minutes etc.)