A quick refresher on the rules around attendance Attendance Jeopardy A quick refresher on the rules around attendance
What do you do? Illness, medical or legal appointment, suspension, religious reasons, college visits. What do you mark as excused? Family vacation even when parents call in. What do you mark as Unexcused?
What do you do Student returns to school after 11 unexcused days of absence. What is Re-enroll and consider an intervention? Student never shows up first 12 days of school. What is withdraw the student!?
What do you do? Students never have full day absences even when they are. What is fix your master schedule and the meeting cycle? Attendance Summary Reports What do you run again; it was broken yesterday but fixed now?
Why do that? Document my interventions on the SIS Discipline module. What is: the student had 2 or more unexcused absences? School based Truancy Prevention Program. What do I do at 5th unexcused absence? Run letters every day. What is avoid a giant pile of letters or not looking silly sending three letters at once to a parent?
It’s the Law Suspend for excessive absences. What is NEVER DO THIS? Count the tardy as an absence. What happens if a student misses >50% of class? Sum up tardies to equal an absence. What is never do this with tardies? Make up work. What may a student have with excused absences or no more than 10 unexcused?
What do you call it? I’ve missed 5 unexcused days in the last 20. What is a truant? <50%, 50%-75%, >75%. What are class period absence, half-day absence, full day absence? I’ve missed 10 unexcused days this year. What is a Habitual Truant? Stuck trying to run letters or reports. What is CALL THE HELP DESK?