A: PPG increment at week 26 for mealtime faster aspart versus IAsp.


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Presentation transcript:

A: PPG increment at week 26 for mealtime faster aspart versus IAsp. A: PPG increment at week 26 for mealtime faster aspart versus IAsp. Observed data. One-hour and 2-h PPG increments statistically significantly in favor of mealtime faster aspart: *P < 0.0001 and **P = 0.0375, respectively. B: PPG increment at week 26 for postmeal faster aspart versus IAsp. Observed data. Mealtime IAsp dosed 0 to 2 min before meal; postmeal faster aspart dosed 20 min after meal. Change in 1-h PPG increment significantly in favor of IAsp: *P = 0.0001. Error bars: ±SEM. The conversion factor between mmol/L and mg/dL is 18. David Russell-Jones et al. Dia Care 2017;40:943-950 ©2017 by American Diabetes Association