C. elegans phenotypes created by H1. X RNA interference C. elegans phenotypes created by H1.X RNA interference. 61 animals from 1351 scored F1 animals (4.5%) are small and dumpy (A). C. elegans phenotypes created by H1.X RNA interference. 61 animals from 1351 scored F1 animals (4.5%) are small and dumpy (A). They reach only half of the final body length of normal C. elegans. Half of these animals (34 of 61) are additionally defective in egg laying (B). Another phenotype affected 3% of the F1 population (33 animals of 1351). These animals contain an abnormally elongated pharynx (C). A control animal is shown in (D; the arrows point to the pharynx). Bar, 20 μm. Monika A. Jedrusik et al. J Cell Sci 2002;115:2881-2891 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2002